局域网监控与管理系统 1
详细设计文档 1
一、 引言 2
1) 编写目的 2
2) 定义 2
3) 参考资料 2
二、 系统结构设计 3
1) 功能描述 3
2) 系统总体架构 3
3) 客户端 4
4) 服务端 6
三、 详细模块设计 8
1) 监控用户信息 8
2) 远程协助 9
3) 网络监控 10
4) 联络交流 11
5) 收发文件 11
6) 任务计划 14
四、 系统配置 14
一、 引言
1) 编写目的
本文档为LANManager(局域网监控与管理系统)详细设计文档(Design Document),对作品进行系统性介绍,对使用的技术机制进行分析,对各个模块进行功能描述,并给出主要数据流程和系统结构。本文档的预期读者是本系统的需求用户、团队开发人员、相关领域科研人员。
2) 定义
3) 参考资料
a) 《Windows网络编程》 清华大学出版社 [美]Anthony Jones, Jim Ohlund著
b) 《VC技术内幕》 清华大学出版社 潘爱民、王国印译
c) 《深入浅出MFC》 华中科技大学出版社 侯俊杰 著
d) 《深入浅出Windows注册表》 国防工业出版社 李永 编著
e) 《TCP/IP详解》 电子书 Stevens 著
二、 系统结构设计
1) 功能描述
LAN Monitoring and Management System 1
Detailed Design Document 1
I. Introduction 2
A) preparation of the purpose of 2
2) Definition 2
3) References 2
Second, system architecture design 3
1) Functional Description 3
2) The overall system architecture 3
3) Client 4
4) The server 6
3, detailed module design 8
1) Monitor user information 8
2) Remote Assistance 9
3) Network monitoring 10
4) Liaison Exchange 11
5) send and receive files 11
6) Task Scheduler 14
4, system configuration 14
1 Introduction
A) preparation of the purpose of
This document is LANManager (LAN Monitoring and Management System) detail design documents (Design Document), systematic description of the work on the use of technical mechanisms for analysis, functional description of each module, and gives the main data flow and system architecture . Of this document is expected readers are the needs of users of this system, the team developers, researchers in related fields.
2) is defined
In the following explanation, we use LANManager on behalf of the product name "LAN monitoring and management system."
3) References
a) "Windows Network Programming" Tsinghua University Press, [America] Anthony Jones, Jim Ohlund with
b) "VC technology inside," Tsinghua University Press PAN Ai-min, WANG Guo-yin translation
c) "simple terms MFC" Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, Hou Junjie book
d) "simple terms Windows registry," National Defense Industry Press LEE Wing-ed
e) "TCP / IP Xiangjie" Stevens an e-book
Second, system architecture design
1) Functional Description
LANManager system is one for the LAN under the C / S mode software management and monitoring systems. It includes client-side (Manager) and server (Monitor), server software, the main role is to monitor the activities of the host and respond to client''s request to return information on the activities of the host. The client receives the server message returned in the main interface, showing that the specific information for managers look to achieve the monitoring of the LAN host and facilitate the management computer functions; In addition, the software also provides end with the Monitor Client Manager and the Monitor and the Monitor side of the contact exchange, send and receive files, remote assistance, and Task Scheduler and other functions, in order to achieve integration of local area network monitoring and electronic office results. Its main functions are as follows: