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前  言数字图像处理,即用计算机对图像进行处理。从广义上可看作各种图像加工技术的总称。人类通过眼、耳、鼻、身接受信息,感知世界,并进而认识世界和改造世界。据统计,大约有70%的信息是通过视觉系统获取的。粗略的说,图像是二维或是三维景物呈现在人们心目中的景象。如果接受并加工这种视觉信息的是电子计算机,则我们称之为计算机图像处理。它包括利用计算机和其他电子设备完成的一系列工作,如图像采集、获取、编码、存储和传输,图像的合成和产生,图像的显示、绘制和输出,图像变换、增强、恢复和重建,特征的提取和测量,目标的检测、表达和描述,序列图像的校正,图像数据库的建立、索引、查询和抽取,图像的分类、表示和识别,3D景物的重建复原,图像模型的建立,图像知识的利用和匹配,图像和场景的解释和理解,以及基于它们的推理、判断、决策和行为规划,等等。另外图像处理技术还包括为完成上述功能而进行的硬件和系统的设计及制作等方面的技术。数字图像处理是从20世纪60年代以来随着计算机技术和VLSL的发展而产生、发展和不断成熟起来的一个新兴技术领域,与人类视觉机理着迷的历史相比,它是一门相对年轻的学科。但在起短短的历史中,它却广泛应用于几乎所有与成像有关的领域,在理论上和实际应用上都取得了巨大的成就,并引起各方面人士的广泛重视。有几个因素表明数字图像处理领域将一直保持持续发展的势头。其主要因素是图像处理所需的计算机设备的不断降价,处理器和大容量存储器都一年比一年便宜。第二个因素是图像数字化和图像显示设备越来越普及。诸多迹象表明计算机设备的价格将继续下降。人们用各种技术方式和手段对图像进行加工以获得重要信息。图像处理技术从广义上可看作是各种图像加工技术的总称,它包括利用计算机和其他电子设备进行和完成的一系列工作,例如图像采集、获取、编码、存储、和传输,图像的合成和产生,图像的显示、绘制和输出,特征区域的提取和测量,目标的检测等。而我们经常提到的数字图像具体又是什么样、什么格式的图片了?对于现存的所有的图像文件格式,BMP图像文件格式的图像数据是未压缩的,因为图像的数字化处理主要是对图像中的各个像素进行处理,而未压缩的BMP图像中的像素数值正好与实际要处理的数字图像相对应。这种格式的文件最适合对之进行数字化处理。而本设计中处理的图像就是DIB位图格式,它的结构与BMP文件结构相似,是BMP文件去掉BITMAPFILEHEADER(文件头)。BMP文件就是以这种形式显示出来的,因为把BMP文件读入到DIB数据结构中再显示十分方便。而另一种BMP文件显示方式DDB则没有这样方便,因为DDB中没有调色板不能保存图像信息,要求设备在为平面上或彩色上与原设备有同样的颜色安排,否则色彩可能失真。有了合适的处理对象,剩下的就是技术问题了。在数字运动检测中运用的关键技术有图像数据读取、图像的中值滤波、图像灰度化、图像梯度的获取、图像特征区域的确定、两幅图像的匹配、图像二值化、图像细化、图像去离散点的操作、物体的区域定位、物体中心点的取得,最后再从图片中得到物体运动轨迹。本运动检测系统是为了实现对一系列图片中运动物体的跟踪而设计的,它通过对一系列图片的处理,提取出图片背景,识别出运动物体,进而对运动物体进行跟踪,得到物体运动的轨迹。本文主要阐述了什么是数字图像处理、数字图像处理的基本要求、数字图像处理的实践及开发工具的特点、功能、开发周期等问题。以及采用VC+作为开发工具,以Windows作为图像处理实施操作的运行平台,制作了数字图像运动检测系统。近年来,由于计算机技术的迅猛发展,使得图像处理得以广泛应用于众多科学与工程领域。几个新的技术发展趋势将进一步刺激此领域的发展:包括由低价位微处理器支持的并行处理技术;用于图像数字化的低成本的电荷耦合器件(CCD);用于大容量、低成本存储阵列的新的存储技术;以及低成本、高分辨率的彩色显示系统。另一个推动力来自稳定涌现出的新的应用。首先,视觉是人类最重要的感知手段,图像又是视觉的基础。因此数字图像成为心理学、生物学、计算机科学等诸多方面的学者研究视觉感知的有效工具。其次,数字图像处理在军事、遥感、工业图像处理等大型应用中也有不断增长的需要。基于Windows和MFC编程上的运动检测,是为了实现对一系列图片中运动物体的跟踪而设计的,通过对一系列图片的处理,提取出图片背景,识别出运动物体,进而对运动物体进行跟踪,得到物体运动的轨迹。应用关键技术有图像数据读取、图像的中值滤波、图像灰度化、图像梯度的获取、图像特征区域的确定、两幅图像的匹配、图像二值化、图像细化、图像去离散点的操作、物体的区域定位、物体中心点的取得等。其中有些是图像处理中经常用到的一些处理方法,有些是为了运动检测特别采用的方法。运动判定的软件流程主要由3个软件模块组成:背景提取模块、物体定位模块和物体运动轨迹判定模块。其中背景提取模块完成从几张图片中提取出当前整个背景的功能。物体定位模块是在背景提取的基础上,实现运动物体在图片中大致位置的确定。运动轨迹判定则是在物体定位的基础上得到物体运动路线,并把它显示出来。运动检测技术既可以单独使用,比如对电影中截取的一系列图片进行分析,得到某个运动物体的运行路线,也可以作为一个监视系统的软件核心,应用到办公室、走廊等地的监视系统中。正因为图像有着如此多的应用,如此与我们的工作和生活方式息息相关,所以本设计旨在应用数字图像处理技术,以VC++作为开发工具,以Windows作为图像处理实施操作的运行平台,从而进一步加深对数字图像处理这一技术的运用,并且进一步推广这项技术。由于本系统可以单独使用,所以可以作为一个监控系统的软件核心,应用到银行、宾馆、超市以及珠宝行中,其监控范围可以小到办公室乃至走廊中。还可以对电影中截取的一系列图片进行分析,得到想要的物体的运动轨迹。随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,图像处理与我们的工作和生活方式息息相关,这门边缘技术将得到更为广泛的应用。                      第一章   数字图像处理及程序开发周期

一、  数字图像处理简介(一)什么是数字图像处理所谓“数字图像处理”就是对一个物体的数字表示施加一系列的操作,以得到所期望的结果。处理的过程中能改变图片的样子使其更称心或更具吸引力,或者达到某种预定的目标。数字图像处理离不开计算机,因此又称计算机图像处理。数字图像处理有很多优点。主要有:1.精度高:不管是对4bit还是8bit和其他比特图像的处理,对计算机来说几乎是一样的。2.再现性好:不管是什么图像,它们均用数组或集合表示。3.通用性、灵活性高:不管是图像还是X线照片、红外热成像、超声波图像等不可见光成像,尽管这些图像成像体系中的设备规模和精度各不相同,但当把图像信号直接进行A/D变换,或记录成照片再数字化,对于计算机来说都能用二维数组表示,不管什么样的图像都可以用同样的方法进行处理,这就是计算机处理的通用性。本设计涉及的主要数字图像处理技术有以下内容: ⒈ 图像分析和特征提取:图像分析可看作是一个描述过程,主要研究用自动或半自动装置和系统,从图像中提取有用的测度、数据或信息,生成非图像的描述或者表示。常常依靠某种知识来说明景物中物体与物体、物体与背景之间的关系。图像分析的内容分为特征提取、符号描述、目标检测、景物匹配和识别等几个部分。图像特征是指图像场中可用作标志的属性,其中有些是视觉直接感受到的自然特征,如区域的亮度、彩色、纹理或轮廓等等。有些是需要通过变换或测量才可得到的认为特征,如各种变换频谱、直方图、矩等。图像特征提取就是从图像中提取出某些可能涉及到高层语义信息的图像特征,以进行后续分析。 ⒉ 图像匹配:简单的说就是根据图像的某些区域或者特征。在另一幅图像中找到对应的区域或者特征。具体实现方法为:先把两个图像的特征区域的中心点对齐,然后根据两个中心点在各自图像中的偏差,来确定要比较的像素。接着处理那些要进行比较的像素,得到它们的差值的绝对值,观察它的大小,如果绝对值非常大,说明两幅图像的差异很大,就认为不能匹配,否则就认为匹配成功。 ⒊     图像分割:人能方便从一幅图像中找出感兴趣的物体或区域,而要让计算机做到这一点却需要给它以客观测度,使之按照、颜色或几何性质等把一些物体或区域加以分离,这称之为图像分割。 (二)数字图像处理的基本要求对于一个有效的通用图像处理系统来说应满足以下要求:

⒈     硬件必须适合所要解决的问题。采用不恰当的空域采样和不恰当的灰度量化可能并不排除系统


满足上述假定,系统的性能将受到显著的影响。因此不恰当的数据获取能力将会危机问题的成功解决。   ⒉ 需要高质量的设备。如果系统噪声水平足以使图像退化,处理将很难成功。 ⒊ 图像分析需要高质量的图像数字化设备,图像处理则还需要高质量的图像显示设备。 ⒋ 当面向通用处理时,软件系统应允许用简单且逻辑性强的方式通过菜单选择进行处理和分析。输入/输出图像和库程序的方便和快速访问也是一个实际应用中的要求。 ⒌     图像处理库应保持起丰富性。如果现有的程序可用旧问题或新问题采取新的处理方法而不需要重编程序,则系统的能力会大大增强。 ⒍     程序库应具有可扩展性,可以方便地加入新的程序模块,从而使系统能力不断增强。(三) 数字图像处理的应用计算机图像处理和计算机、多媒体、智能机器人、专家系统等技术的发展紧密相关。今年来计算机识别、理解图像的技术发展很快,也就是图像处理的目的除了直接供人观看(如医学图像是为医生观看作诊断)外,还进行一步发展了与计算机视觉有关的应用,如邮件自动分检,车辆自动驾驶等。下面仅罗列了一些典型应用实例,而实际应用更广。 1.在生物医学中的应用主要包括显微镜图像处理;DNA显示分析;红、白血球分析计数;虫卵及组织切片的分析;癌细胞识别;染色体分析;心血管数字减影及其他减影技术;内脏大小形状及异常检测;心脏活动的动态分析;热像、红外像分析;X光照片增强、冻结及伪彩色增强;超声图像成像、增强、冻结及伪彩色处理等。 2.遥感航天中的应用军事侦察、定位、导航、指挥等应用;多谱卫星图像分析;地形、地图、国土普查;地质、矿藏勘探;森林资源探查、分类、防火;水利资源探查,洪水泛滥监测;海洋、渔业方面如温度、鱼群的监测、预报;农业方面如谷物估产、病虫害调查;自然灾害、环境污染的监测;气象、天气预报图的合成分析预报;天文、太空星体的探测及分析;交通、空中管理、铁路选线等。 3.军事公安领域中的应用巡航导弹地形识别;指纹自动识别;罪犯脸形的合成;侧视雷达的地形侦察;遥控飞行器RPV的引导;目标的识别与制导;警戒系统及自动火炮控制;反伪装侦察;手迹、人像、印章的鉴定识别;过期档案文字的复原;集装箱的不开箱检查等。 4.其他应用图像的远距离通信;多媒体计算机系统及应用;电视电话;服装试穿显示;理发发型预测显示;电视会议;办公自动化、现场视频管理等。

第二章  数字图像运动检测总体设计









²        系统能够自动提取背景;

²        物体的识别准确率大于95%;

²        每张图片的处理时间不大于3s;

²        对图片噪声具有较强的适应性;

²        系统能够长时间无故障运行;

²        系统的操作简单。

²        界面友好,简单易用

5.软件平台: VC+ + 6.0。






Introduction of digital image processing, that is, using computer image processing. From the broad sense, can be regarded as the general term for a variety of image processing techniques. Humans through the eyes, ears, nose and body to receive information and perceiving the world, and thus to understand the world and transform the world. According to statistics, about 70% of the information is obtained through the visual system. Roughly speaking, the image is a two-dimensional or three-dimensional scene rendering scenes in people''s minds. If you accept and process such visual information is the computer, then we call it a computer image processing. It includes the use of computers and other electronic equipment to complete a series of work, such as image acquisition, acquisition, encoding, storage and transmission, image synthesis and production, image display, rendering and output, image transformation, enhancement, rehabilitation and reconstruction, feature The extraction and measurement, target detection, expression and description, serial image correction, image database creation, indexing, search and extraction, image classification, representation and recognition, 3D reconstruction of landscape restoration, the image model, image knowledge the use and matching, image and scene interpretation and understanding, as well as based on their reasoning, judgments, decision-making and behavior planning, and so on. Another image processing technology also includes the completion of the above functions carried out by the hardware and system design and production, etc. technology. Digital image processing is from the 20th century, since the 60''s along with computer technology and the development of VLSL generation, development and maturing together an emerging technology, and fascinated by the history of the mechanism of human visual comparison, it is a relatively young discipline . However, since a short history, it is widely used in almost all image-related areas, in both theory and practical application has made tremendous achievements and attracted wide attention of all concerned parties. There are several factors indicate that the field of digital image processing, will always maintain a sustained growth momentum. The main factor is the image processing computer equipment needed for the continuous price cuts, processors and mass storage are cheaper every year. The second factor is the digitized images and image display devices is becoming increasingly popular. Many indications that the price of computer equipment will continue to decline. People use a variety of technical ways and means of image processing to obtain important information. Image processing techniques can be broadly seen as a general term for a variety of image processing techniques, which includes use of computers and other electronic equipment, carry out and complete a series of tasks such as image acquisition, acquisition, encoding, storage, and transmission, image synthesis and produce, image display, rendering and output, feature extraction and measurement of the region, target detection. We often referred to the specific digital image is what and what format pictures? For all of the existing image file format, BMP image file format is the uncompressed image data, because the image digital processing mainly for image processing each pixel, without the compressed BMP image pixel values coincide with the actual to deal with digital image corresponds to. Document in this format most suitable for the digital processing. Treatment of this design is the DIB bitmap image format, its structure and file structure similar to BMP is a BMP file to remove BITMAPFILEHEADER (file header). BMP file is displayed in this form, because the BMP file read into the data structure in the DIB and then show is very convenient. While another display BMP files DDB were not so convenient because there is no palette DDB can not save the image information, request equipment for the plane or color with the original equipment has the same color arrangement, otherwise the colors may be distorted. With the proper handling of objects, the rest is the technical problem. In digital motion detection in the key technology used to read image data, image median filtering, image grayscale, image gradient of the acquisition, the image characteristics of the region identified two images match, the image binarization, image detail , image to the discrete points of operation, the object of regional location, the object center of the acquisition, the final and then get an object from the image trajectory. The motion detection system is a series of pictures in order to achieve tracking of moving objects designed, it adopted a series of image processing, extracting the image background, to identify moving objects, thus tracking of moving objects, to be the movement of objects trajectory. This paper describes what is digital image processing, digital image processing of the basic requirements for the practice of digital image processing and development tools, features, functions, and the development cycle and so on. And the use of VC + as a development tool to Windows as the implementation of image processing operations to run on, has produced a digital image motion detection system. In recent years, due to the rapid development of computer technology, enabling image processing can be widely applied to many areas of science and engineering. Several new technological trend is expected to further stimulate the development of this area include: low-cost microprocessor supported by the parallel processing technologies; for image low-cost digital charge-coupled device (CCD); for large-capacity, low-cost The new storage array storage technology; and low-cost, high-resolution color display system. The other driver emerged from the stable of new applications. First, the vision is the perception of mankind''s most important tool, the image is the visual basis. Therefore, digital images, psychology, biology, computer science and many other aspects of academics who have studied an effective tool for visual perception. Secondly, digital image processing in the military, remote sensing, image processing such as large-scale industrial applications are also growing needs. Windows and MFC programming based on motion detection, is to achieve a series of pictures designed to track moving objects, through a series of image processing, extracting the picture background, to identify moving objects, and then on to track moving objects get track the movement of objects. Application of key technologies have the image data read, the image median filtering, image grayscale, image gradient of the acquisition, the image characteristics of the region identified two images match, the image binarization, image thinning, the image to the discrete points operation, the object of regional location, acquisition and other objects, the focal point. Some of them are frequently used in image processing, a number of treatment methods, some special order motion detection method used. Movement to determine the software process mainly by three software modules: background extraction module, object localization module and the object motion trajectory to determine the module. Extraction module to complete the background of which a few pictures from the whole background to extract the current function. Object localization module is extracted in the background, based on the realization of a moving object in the image of the determined general location. Trajectories to determine is the object on the basis of positioning objects, movement routes, and put it displayed. Motion Detection Technology can either be used alone, such as the interception of the film in the series of image analysis, to be a moving object to run routes, but also can be used as the core of a monitoring system software, application to the office, corridors and other places in the surveillance system . It is precisely because the image has so many applications, so with our work and way of life is closely related, so this is designed to use digital image processing technology to VC + + as development tools to Windows as the implementation of image processing operations to run on, so as to further deepen the for digital image processing, the application of this technology and to further promote the technology. Because this system can be used alone, it can be used as the core of a monitoring system software, application to the bank, hotels, supermarkets and jewelry line, the monitoring range can be as small as well as the corridor to the office. The film can also intercept analysis of a series of pictures get the desired object motion trajectory. With the rapid development of computer technology, image processing, with our work and way of life is closely related to the door edge technology will be more widely used. The first chapter of digital image processing and program development cycle
1, digital image processing profile (a) What is the digital image processing so-called "Digital Image Processing" is a digital representation of an object to impose a series of operations in order to get the desired result. The process of dealing with change the picture looks like it more desirable or attractive, or to achieve some predetermined goal. Digital image processing can not do without a computer, it is also called a computer image processing. Digital image processing has many advantages. There are: 1. Precision: Whether is 4bit or 8bit, and other bit image processing, the computer is almost the same. 2. Reproducibility is good: no matter what the image, they all said to use an array or collection. 3. Generality, flexibility, high: either the image or the X-ray photographs, infrared thermal imaging, ultrasound images are not visible imaging, even though these images imaging system of equipment vary in size and accuracy, but the image signal directly A / D conversion, or recording into a photo and then digitized, the computer can be used for two-dimensional array, said no matter what kind of images that can be handled the same way, this is the computer processing versatility. This design mainly related to digital image processing technology has the following elements: ⒈ image analysis and feature extraction: image analysis can be viewed as a description of the process, the main research using automatic or semi-automatic devices and systems, from the image extracting useful measure, data or information, generating a description of the non-image or that. Often rely on some kind of knowledge to explain features of objects and objects, the relationship between the object and the background. Image analysis consists of feature extraction, symbolic description, target detection, scene matching and recognition several parts. Image feature is the image field can be used as the properties of signs, some of which directly felt the natural visual features, such as regional brightness, color, texture, or contour and so on. Some are through transformation or measurement can be obtained that the features, such as a variety of transformations spectrum, histogram, moment and so on. Image feature extraction is extracted from the images of some high-level semantic information may relate to the image features to carry out follow-up analysis. ⒉ image matching: A simple to say that under certain areas or features of the image. In another an image found in the corresponding area or feature. Concrete implementation method: First the two characteristics of the region the center of the image alignment, and then two focal points in their respective images of the deviation to determine the pixels to compare. Then deal with those who want to compare the pixels, get the absolute value of the difference between them, observing its size, if the absolute value is very large, shows two very different images, they do not think we match, otherwise, that the match successfully. ⒊ image segmentation: people can easily find out from an image object or region of interest, but let the computer do this but need to give it an objective measure, so that the light, color, or geometric nature of some objects or to separate the region, which is called image segmentation. (B) digital image processing, the basic requirements for an effective general-purpose image processing systems that should meet the following requirements:

⒈ hardware must be suitable to be solved. Inappropriate use of the airspace of the gray-scale sampling and inappropriate to quantify the system may not be ruled out

The likelihood of success, but the reason for the failure will be difficult to determine. Image processing algorithms often assume that a function is continuous. Such as sampling and quantization can not be

Meet the above assumptions, system performance will be significantly affected. Therefore not appropriate for data acquisition capabilities will be the successful resolution of the crisis. ⒉ need high-quality equipment. If the system noise level enough to make the image degradation, processing will not be successful. ⒊ image analysis requires high-quality images of digital devices, image processing, you also need high-quality image display device. ⒋ common face to face processing, software systems should be allowed to use a simple and logical way of strong selection through the menu, processing and analysis. Input / output image and library programs is a convenient and quick access to practical application requirements. ⒌ image processing library should be kept from the rich. If the existing procedures for old problems or new problems that can be used to adopt a new approach without the need for re-programmed, then the system capacity will be greatly enhanced. ⒍ library should have the scalability, you can easily add a new program modules, so that capacity of the system growing. (C) digital image processing, computer image processing and computer applications, multimedia, intelligent robotics, expert systems technology development are closely related. Computer Recognition of this year, understanding the image of technology has developed rapidly, which is the purpose of image processing in addition to direct for human viewing (such as medical images are for doctors watch for diagnosis), but also for the further development of the computer-vision-related applications, such as the E-mail auto-sorting, vehicle automatic driving. The following lists just some typical examples of application, while the broader practical application. 1. In bio-medical applications include microscope image processing; DNA display analysis; red and white blood cell count analysis; eggs and tissue section analysis; cell recognition; chromosome analysis; cardiovascular and other digital subtraction subtraction technique; visceral size, shape, and anomaly detection; heart activity of dynamic analysis; thermal imaging, infrared image analysis; X-rays increased, freezing and pseudo-color enhancement; ultrasound images imaging, enhancement, freezing and pseudo-color processing. 2. The application of remote sensing space military reconnaissance, positioning, navigation, command and other applications; multi-spectral satellite image analysis; terrain, maps, land surveys; geology, mineral exploration; forest resources exploration, classification, fire protection; water resources exploration, flooding monitoring; oceans, fisheries, such as temperature, fish monitoring, forecasting; agriculture, such as grain yield assessment, pest and disease survey; natural disasters, environmental pollution monitoring; weather, weather map analysis and forecast synthesis; astronomy, space exploration and the stars analysis; traffic, air traffic management, selection of railway lines. 3. The military police in the field of application of cruise missile terrain recognition; Automated Fingerprint Identification; criminals Lian Xing synthesis; side-looking radar, terrain reconnaissance; RPV RPV guidance; target identification and guidance; warning system and automatic gun control; anti-camouflage reconnaissance; handwriting, portraits, seals identification of identification; expired text file recovery; containers without opening inspection. 4. Other applications, image-based remote communications; multimedia computer systems and applications; television and telephone; clothes tried on display; haircut hairstyle forecast; video conferencing; office automation, live video management.

Chapter II Motion Detection Digital Image Design

The Digital Image Motion Detection System Software Design overview

1. Design Title: Digital Image Motion Detection

2. Design Description:

This article describes an object motion detection system, the realization of all based on Windows and MFC programming. In order to achieve a series of pictures designed to track moving objects, which through a series of image processing, extracting the picture background, to identify moving objects, thus moving objects on the track to be track the movement of objects. System can be used alone, such as the interception of the film in the series of image analysis, to be a moving object movement routes, you can also use it as a core part of the monitoring system software, applications such as large supermarkets, etc. to the monitoring system in.

3. The purpose of using this design:

1. System implementation process, using a lot about the image processing knowledge. Able to understand through the use of images to extract useful information from the basic method, as well as the primary means of image processing, but can also been informed that the MFC to build the system under a general order.

2. Through the use of this system, you can learn some basic graphic image processing tools and methods, such as thinning, expansion, gray-oriented, binarization, smoothing, edge extraction. At the same time can understand an object tracking algorithm, the background extraction, object positioning, center set, trajectory description, these techniques can be used in a variety of digital video surveillance system.

4. Features:

² system can automatically extract the background;

² object recognition accuracy rate more than 95%;

² The processing time for each image no more than 3s;

² on the image noise has strong adaptability;

² system to a long trouble-free operation;

² the system easy to operate.

² friendly interface, easy to use

5. Software platform: VC + + 6.0.

6. Hardware platform: CPU frequency greater than or equal 600HZ, memory greater than or equal 128MB.

7. Interface Design: 


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