论文编号:JD060 此设计包括开题报告,原理图,仿真,程序,文献综述,字数:11310,页数:39
摘 要
关键词: AT89C2051 单片机 脉搏测量仪
Nurse hospital wants to give in hospital every day the patient takes the pulse to record the patient each minute pulse number, the method is with the hand according to on the patient wrist''s department artery, carries on the counting according to pulse''s beat. For the saving of time, will not make 1 minute survey generally, usually will be surveys in 10 seconds time palpitation''s number, will be multiplied by again the result 6 namely obtains each minute palpitation number, even if will do this is quite time-consuming, moreover the precision will not be high. This article introduced that one kind the pulse measuring instrument which manufactures with the monolithic integrated circuit, so long as the human places the finger in the sensor 2 seconds to be possible the precision measuring each minute pulse number, the measurement result showed with three digit.
key word: AT89C2051 monolithic integrated circuit pulse measuring instrument
目 录
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
目 录.. 4
引 言.. 6
第一章 硬件电路设计 7
1.1 AT89C2051主要性能 ..7
1.2 AT89C2051的结构框图 ..8
1.3 AT89C2051的引脚说明9
1.4复位电路 11
1.5 振荡电路 ..12
第二章 基本结构模块 .13
2.1脉搏波检测电路 13
2.2脉搏信号拾取电路 .13
2.3信号的放大 .15
2.4 波形整形部分 .18
第三章 整体电路分析..21
3.1 光发射电路 21
3.2 光电转换电路 .21
3.3信号采集及处理系统 ..22
3.4 过采样技术的应用 22
第四章 软件设计 .25
第五章 系统调试与测试结果分析 .31
5.1安装 .31
5.2 调试 32
5.2.1硬件调试 .32
5.2.2软件调试 .33
5.2.3软硬联调 .33
设计总结 35
致 谢 38
参考文献 40