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论文编号:JD947   论文字数:16699,页数:46

摘 要
 本次设计所设计的智能信号发生器,是基于ATMEL生产的AT89C51内核的信号发生器,它的特点之处如下:1.可产生正弦波、方波,锯齿波及三角波。2.各种信号的频率范围为10HZ-24MHZ,本信号发生器既可实现产生低频信号,也可实现产生高频信号,产生的信号为特定频率信号。3.硬件主要由单片机和数模转换器DAC0832构成,电路简单,结构紧凑 ,硬件成本较低。4.波形及其参数可由软件设定,程序采用c51语言编译,使编译比较简单。
 本论文首先对信号发生器进行了概述,然后介绍了单片机的硬件和软件知识。 硬件包括单片机AT89C51、复位电路 、时钟电路 、键盘电路、 DAC0832 、运放4558;软件包括各波形的产生及对硬件的控制程序。
关键词 信号发生器  AT89C51  DAC0832  单片机  原理图 源程序
 A signal generator is an instrument for generating analog voltage waveforms and these waveforms can be used to verify the design of electronic circuits,signal generation is widely used in the automatic control and instructional experiment.
 The paper proposes a design and implementation of a signal generator that use AT89C51 as its major module, which produced by ATMlE Company. There are some special features as follows. (1) The signal generator can generate sine waveforms , saw waveforms, rectangle waveforms and triangle waveforms. (2) It can generate both low and high frequency signals that from 10HZ to 24MHZ. (3) It’s hardware includes AT89C51 and D/A chip DAC0832.The circuit is simple and the hardware is low cost. (4) We use the software to adjust the data of the waveforms. We use the 51 languages to compile the program, so it becomes easy to compile it.
 This paper shows some instruction first. And then tell us some knowledge about the microprocessor and the software. The generator’ hardware includes microprocessor AT89C51, reset circuits, clock circuits, keyboard circuits and DA0832; 4558.The software includes the programs for generating waveforms and controlling hard wares.
Keywords:  signal generator, AT89C51, D/Achip,DA0832,microcontroller, schematic, source program
目  录
 摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1智能信号发生器的背景 1
1.1.1对信号发生器的认识 1
1.1.2 本次设计的信号发生器的简介 1
1.2 智能信号发生器的单片机背景 2
1.3 信号发生器的数模转换背景 2
1.3.1数模转换器的功能 2
1.3 D/A转换部分 4
1.3.1 D/A转换器概述 4
1.3. 2主要技术指标 5
第2章 智能信号发生器的硬件设计 6
2.1 信号发生器的总体硬件结构及原理 6
2.2 存储器的结构 7
2.3 并行I/O口 9
2.4时钟电路 10
2.5 复位操作 10
2.6复位电路 11
2.7键盘输入电路 12
2.7.1键盘输入应解决的问题 12
2.7.2键盘的编码 15
2.8  D/A转换电路 16
2.8.1 D/A转换器的工作原理 16
2.8.2  AT89C51与8位DAC0832的接口 17
第3章 智能信号发生器的软件设计 20
3.1 软件总程序流程介绍 20
3.2系统软件设计 21
3.2.1 主程序 21
3.2.2键盘输入程序 21
3.3 频率的控制 23
3.4 三角波程序原理 24
3.5 矩形波程序原理 24
3.6 正弦波程序 24
结 论 27
参考文献 28
程序框图 29
protel总体原理图 30
源程序 31
致谢 41

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