论文编号:JD816 论文字数:6507,页数:13
摘 要:家庭使用液化气、燃气等可燃气体作燃料的越来越多,但是这些气体有害、易爆炸,隐患事故多,如气体泄漏时不能及时发现和处理,会给家庭及邻居带来灾难性危害。本次设计内容包括可燃气体报警电路的结构及其工作原理。此报警电路以气敏半导体传感器为主要组成部分,气敏半导体传感器检测到可燃气体时通过电导率的改变来控制多谐振荡器及正反馈振荡器间歇工作,通过报警电路从而达到报警的目的。
Design for the Combustible Gas Alarm System
Abstract: More and more liquid & fuel gas have been using in our daily lives. And most of these gas are harmful, explosive ,more hidden troubles .For instance :if the leak out gas without deal timely, it would be a catastrophe to the related person even their neighbors. My design contains the fuel gas warm circuit function and principle of operation .The key device in my design is the gas transducer which can detect the fuel gas by conductivity meter differentiating ,and this conductivity meter differentiating can control the multivibrator and the positive feedback oscillator work intermittently. After this action the warm circuit can alert timely when detected the fuel gas leak out.
Key words: Combustible gas; Alarm; Semiconductor sensors; Oscillator
摘 要 I
Abstract I
引言 1
1 发展现状 1
2 可燃气体报警器的介绍 1
2.1 可燃气体报警器的分类 1
2.2 可燃气体报警器校准 2
2.3 可燃气体报警器的应用 2
3 硬件与电路设计 3
3.1 工作原理及电路图 3
3.2元器件的选择 4
4 气敏半导体传感器介绍 5
5 总结 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11