论文编号:JD825 论文字数:7910,页数:19
摘 要:该系统设计了一种电话远程控制系统。系统以单片机AT89C51和双音多频解码集成电路MT8870为核心,通过电话线路遥控远程多路智能控制器。在设计过程中,系统通过硬件电路实现振铃检测、自动摘挂机、DTMF解码、控制电器、语音提示等功能,而通过软件来完成信号音计数、密码检测等功能。该系统采用现有的电话线路进行通信,运行可靠、成本低、操作方便,适用性强,可以广泛的应用于家用电器或者其它场所的各种控制设备。 关键词:AT89C51单片机;语音芯片;电话远程控制;双音多频译码;振铃检测。
AT89C51-based Telephone Remote Control System
Abstrac:The design of the system, a telephone remote control system. AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer system and the DTMF decoder IC MT8870 as the core, through the telephone line remote control multi-channel intelligent controller. During the design process, the system through the hardware detection circuit ringing, hang up automatically pick, DTMF decoding, control electronics, voice prompts and other functions, and software to complete the sound signal count, password detection and other functions. The system uses existing telephone lines for communications, reliable, low cost, easy to operate, applicability, can be widely used in household appliances or other places of the various control equipment.
key words: AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer; voice chip; telephone remote control; DTMF decoding; ring detection.
摘 要 I
Abstrac I
1 总体设计 1
2 系统设计可行性分析 1
3 硬件单元电路设计 2
3.1 振铃检测电路 2
3.2 模拟摘挂机电路 3
3.3.1 双音频信号概述 5
3.3.2 MT8870芯片介绍 6
3.3.3 实际应用电路 7
3.4 语音提示电路 8
3.4.1 ISDN2560芯片介绍 8
3.4.2 实际应用电路 10
3.5 电器控制电路 11
4软件设计 11
5 结论 12
参考文献 13
谢 辞 14
附 录 15