论文编号:JD251 字数:20914,页数:53 价格:200元
摘 要
With the improvement of people''s living standard and yearn for building green city, music fountain is more and more popular for its unique charm and special function large numbers of music fountain is increasingly built.
The hardware construction of small music fountain system and the design of controller system were completed according to the present situation of music fountain now. Its principle is that using the 8051 microcontroller to compilation Music program or to sample musical signals with A/D and doing its data and grade controlling single-phase electric motor, finally it implements the control of the flow out of nozzles. The flower shapes are controlled by program controlling or man-made keystroke controlling electromagnetic valves. The color、the light and shade of ray are changed by musical signals. So that the color、the light and shade of ray、the spring form is changed with music’s rhythm when music is played.
Key words:8051 microcontroller,A/D,music fountain,single-phase electric motor
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪 论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2小型音乐喷泉的市场分析 1
1.3制定总体方案 2
1.4创新性 3
2 喷泉硬件设计 5
2.1水池和鱼缸设计 5
2.2 造型方案设计及选择 5
2.3花型及喷头的选择 6
2.4喷泉管道工作压力及流量计算 8
2.4.1喷头及管道的工作压力 8
2.4.2管道的流量 10
2.5确定配水管网管径 10
2.6喷泉管材和附件的选择及管道布置 11
2.6.1 管材的选用 11
2.6.2管道附件选择 11
2.6.3 喷泉的管道布置 12
2.7管道损失的计算 13
2.7.1沿程水头损失计算 13
2.7.2局部损失 14
2.8 管路系统总的压力损失 14
2.9管路系统最高压力计算 14
2.10喷泉照明灯具的选择 14
2.11水泵和电机的选择 15
3 喷泉控制系统硬件设计 16
3.1单片机控制系统硬件总体方案设计 16
3.2单片机的方案设计 16
3.3扩展输入输出接口硬件方案设计 17
3.4键盘显示硬件方案设计 17
3.5数据采集硬件模块 17
3.6潜水泵调速硬件方案设计 18
3.7灯光硬件方案设计 19
3.8电磁阀硬件方案设计 19
3.9解决系统时间滞后硬件电路设计 20
3.10单片机和微机通讯硬件设计 20
3.11系统总的电路 21
4 喷泉控制系统软件设计 22
4.1扩展输入输出接口软件设计模块 22
4.2键盘和显示软件设计模块 22
4.2.1键盘和显示软件设计说明 22
4.2.2程序流程图 23
4.2.3汇编语言源程序 24
4.3 控制潜水泵软件设计模块 24
4.3.1 潜水泵开关调速的原理 24
4.3.2潜水泵开关调速的软件设计 24
4.4控制电磁阀软件设计模块 26
4.5 歌曲存储模块 27
4.5.1音频脉冲的产生 27
4.5.2音乐程序 29
4.6数据采集处理模块 29
4.6.1数据采集 29
4.6.2数据处理 30
4.7灯光控制模块 30
4.8单片机与微机通讯软件设计 30
4.9组装调试 31
结 论 32
参 考 文 献 33
附录A 8155与8051的连接电路图 34
附录B 键盘显示系统的硬件连接图 35
附录C 延时电路图 36
附录D小型音乐喷泉控制程序 37
致 谢 48