论文编号:JD810 论文字数:7399,页数:21
摘 要:本设计采用一块单片机(89S51)作为水温控制系统的控制核心,实现人工设定温度,自动控制温度,显示水的实时温度等功能。水温测试方式采用集成模拟温度传感器感知器皿中水的温度,并用运算放大器将传感器输出的微弱模拟电压信号进行放大。采用简易键盘对目标温度(20℃~80℃)进行人工设定,并用数码管动态显示水的实时温度。同时系统还通过继电器电路控制加热器件的导通与关闭,达到保持设定温度基本不变的目的。水温控制算法采用现今较为成熟,使用广泛的PID算法。通过试验调试出PID算法中的比例、积分、微分常数,从而控制加热的时间比例,减小系统的调节时间。温度控制的静态误差≤0.4℃,标定温度≤1℃。
关键词:单片机(89S51 );自动控制;PID算法
The system of temperature control basing MCU
Abstract :This design uses a microcontroller (89S51) as a core control for a water temperature control system f to achieve artificial settings, automatic control of temperature, the real-time display water temperature, and other functions. Water temperature tests using simulated temperature sensor integrated perception containers in the water temperature, and operational amplifier will be used by very small sensor output voltage analog signal amplification. Using keyboard scan mode on the target temperature (20 ° C to 80 ° C) artificial settings, and digitally dynamic display of real-time water temperature. At the same time through the relay system heater control circuits of the on - and closed to maintain the set temperature is essentially the same purpose. Water temperature control algorithm used today more mature, the use of a wide range of PID algorithm. Through a PID algorithm debugging test as a proportion, integral, differential constant and thus control the heating time ratio, the system reduced regulation time. Temperature control of the static error ≤ 0.4 ℃, calibration temperature ≤ 1 ℃.
Key words:SCM (89S51); automatic control;PID algorithm
摘 要 I
Abstract I
1 引言 1
2 硬件电路设计 1
2.1 总体设计与方案选择 1
2.2 器件选择 2
2.2.1 89S51单片机 2
2.2.2 温度传感器 3
2.2.3 A/D转换器 ADC0809 4
2.2.4 控制器 5
2.3 电路原理图 5
2.3.1 单片机最小系统部分 5
2.3.2 四位LED数码管显示部分 6
2.3.3 ADC0809的A/D采样部分 7
2.3.4 单片机串口通信电路 7
2.3.5 温度采集部分 8
2.3.6 报警电路 9
2.3.7 温控模拟部分电路 9
3 软件设计 10
3.1 程序的主要流程图 10
4 设计分析 11
5 结论 12
参考文献 12
谢 辞 13
[附录] 水温控制系统的软件程序 14