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论文编号:JD039    字数:7425,页数:29

摘要: 温度是人们生活中一种最基本的环境参数,温度测量系统的发展是社会迫切需要的。智能温度测量装置将广泛地应用于工业现场、农业生产及我们生活环境之中。目前常用的温度测量系统大多存在两大缺点:其一,需要大量的连线才能把现场传感器的信号送到采集卡上,布线施工麻烦,成本也高;其二,线路上传送的是模拟信号,易受干扰和损耗,为了克服这些缺点,一种基于数字化单总线技术的系统应运而生。研究和开发温度测量装置既可为人民生活服务,也满足工业生产的要求。本次设计的目的,一方面是工业现代化的客观需要,另一方面,也对于即将要步入社会的大学生是一个有益的尝试。本设计主要利用单总线数字温度传感器DS18B20为测量器件、以DM-162液晶显示模块为显示器件,89C2051微处理器为控制核心,构成了温度实时测量装置.
关键词:单片机 温度传感器 液晶显示模块 DS18B20 DM-162

Abstract: The temperature is the people lives one kind of most basic environment parameter, the temperature survey system''s development is the social urgent need. The intelligence temperature survey installment widely will apply in the industry scene, the agricultural production and our living conditions. At present the commonly used temperature survey system mostly has two big shortcomings: First, needs the massive segments to be able to deliver the scene sensor''s signal in the gathering card, the wiring construction is troublesome, the cost is also high; Second, what on the line transmits is the simulated signal, is disturbed easily and the loss, to overcome these shortcomings, one kind arises at the historic moment based on the digitization single bussing technique''s system. The research and the development temperature survey installment already may serve for the lives of the people, also satisfies the industrial production the request. This design goal, on the one hand is the industry modernization objective need, on the other hand, also regarding the university student who soon must march into the society is a beneficial attempt. This design mainly uses single main line digit temperature sensor DS18B20 is surveys the component, take the DM-162 liquid crystal display module as the display device, 89C2051 the microprocessor is the control core, constituted the temperature real-time measurement installment. key word: Monolithic integrated circuit temperature sensor liquid crystal display module DS18B20 DM-162



第1章智能温度测量装置组成和工作原理  2
第1.1节智能温度测量装置的组成  2
第1.2节智能温度测量装置的工作原理 3
第2章电路设计.. 4
第2.1节单总线数字温度传感器DS18B20 . 4
2.1.1 DS18B20引脚分布  4
2.1.2 DS18B20的内部结构 . 5
2.1.3 DS18B20温度测量原理 .. 5
第2.2节 89C2051与DS18B20接口技术 . 9
2.2.1 89C2051单片机简介 . 9
第2.3节 89C2051单片机与液晶显示器接口技术  14
第3章程序设计  18
第3.1节程序流程图 .. 18
3.1.1主程序流程 .. 18
3.1.2 子程序流程 . 18
第3.2节程序设计.  21
结论 . 24
参考文献  25
致谢  26

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