论文编号:JD893 论文字数:8821,页数:29
摘 要
In recent years along with the technical swift development, monolithic integrated circuit''s application was moving toward unceasingly thoroughly, simultaneously led the traditional control examination, the Japan crecent moon profit renewal. In the real-time examination and in automatic control''s monolithic integrated circuit application system, the monolithic integrated circuit often is takes a core part to use, The monolithic integrated circuit is integrates the main computer functional unit on a chip the microcomputer. It is one kind of collection counting and many connections in a body''s micro controller, is widely applied in the intelligent product and in the industrial automation, but 51 monolithic integrated circuits are in a monolithic integrated circuit are most typical and the most representative one kind. The water tank intelligence water level''s control system must first be able to examine the water level correctly and can demonstrate correctly that and has the prompt adjustment water level function. The system takes the control core by AT89S51, the monitor, the driving circuit and so on unifies completes the water monitor, has displayed monolithic integrated circuit''s performance fully. Its hardware circuit is simple, the software function is perfect, the control system is reliable, has certain use and the reference value.
key word: Monolithic integrated circuit; AT89S51; Water monitor
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
引 言 1
1 课题目标任务 2
1.1、本课题的总体介绍 2
1.2、工作内容 2
2 AT89S51芯片超声波简介 3
2.1 AT89S51芯片的引脚结构 3
2.2 超声波简介 4
3 硬件设计 5
3.1 硬件电路 5
3.2复位电路 5
3.3显示电路 6
3.4驱动电路 6
3.5硬件电路设计 7
4软件设计 7
4.1延时程序 7
4.2 74LS04反相器,管脚图如附图所示。 8
4.3 中断系统 8
4.4程序流程图 10
5系统调试 12
5.1硬件电路设计 12
5.2硬件调试 13
5.3软件调试 13
设计的体会 14
致 谢 15
参考文献: 16
原理图: 17
PCB板图: 18
程序: 19