论文编号:ZD1475 论文字数:22452 |
相关论文:基于单片机AT89S52的超声波测距仪的研制 基于51单片机的超声波测距仪的设计分析 基于单片机的超声波测距仪的设计
摘 要
利用超声波来测距是一种传统的非接触测量方法。由于它具有不受外界因素影响, 对环境有一定的适应能力,且操作简单,测量精度高等优点而被广泛应用。超声波测距主要应用于倒车雷达、建筑施工工地以及一些工业现场。
The use of ultrasonic distance measurement is a traditional non-contact measurement method. Because it has to be free from outside factor influences and also has certain orientation ability to the environment, simple operation and high precision,the measurements have been widely used.The ultrasonic ranging system is mainly used in reverse, construction site, as well as some industrial scene.
This paper discusses the design of multi-front ultrasonic ranging system based on AT89C51 single-chip with the pulse echo method. By making full use of single-chip system software and hardware resources, the system can automatically launches and receives ultrasonic. According to airborne ultrasound reflection, Piezoelectric ultrasonic sensors to the interface components, application of single-chip technology on the ultrasound in the air to measure the propagation time be able to design a set of ultrasonic ranging system.
First of all, the article briefly introduces the topics background of ultrasonic ranging system, an overview of the development of ultrasonic distance measurement, as well as the basic principles, and introduces the principle of ultrasonic sensors and characteristics.
Then, this part introduces the ultrasonic ranging system of implementation. Based on the introduction to ultrasonic ranging system, the overall composition of the system can be made. Each component of the system hardware and system software architecture is presented in detail.
Finally, the results do the overall design overview and analysis. This includes the causes of measurement error,proposed ways and resolving means and so on.
Key words : ultrasonic ranging; single-chip; ultrasonic sensors;
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 简介 1
1.2 设计选题背景 1
1.3 设计内容及论文结构 2
1.3.1 设计的主要内容 2
1.3.2 论文结构 2
2 超声波传感器及测距原理 3
2.1 超声波介绍 3
2.1.1 超声波及物理特性 3
2.1.2 超声波的传播特性 4
2.2 超声波传感器 5
2.2.1 压电式超声波传感器 5
2.2.2 T/R40-12超声波传感器 7
2.3 测距系统工作原理 8
3 硬件电路设计 9
3.1 系统硬件设计思想 9
3.2 控制系统设计 9
3.2.1 89C51单片机的引脚描述及片外总线结构 9
3.2.2 中断系统介绍 12
3.2.3 单片机复位电路设计 17
3.3 译码显示电路 17
3.3.1 输入、输出接口P0~P3 17
3.3.2 并行输入/输出口概述 18
3.3.3 串行输入/输出口概述 18
3.3.4 数码管LED 20
3.3.5 基于串行输入/输出口的数码管电路 21
3.4 超声波的发射 22
3.5 超声波的接收与处理 23
3.6 系统电路原理图 24
4 软件系统设计 26
4.1 系统工作过程 26
4.2 软件程序设计 26
4.2.1 中断服务程序 27
4.2.2 计算超声波传播时间 28
5 测距系统分析与改进 29
5.1 系统误差分析 29
5.2 提高系统性能的若干措施 29
5.2.1 扩大测距范围 29
5.2.2 声速校正 29
6 结束语 30
参考文献 31
致 谢 32
附 录 33