论文编号:ZD926 论文字数:14036,页数:39
关键字: 语音播放 液晶显示 flash SPI通信 RS-232通信
The broadcast of the liquid crystal display with an intelligent voice system is involved in liquid crystal display, the serial data received from the circuit, microprocessor control circuitry, LCD control circuit, LCD screen, ISD1700 series voice chips form, characterized by the computer''''s serial port and serial line of the input data reception circuit connected to the serial output data receiving circuit and control circuit in single chip microcontroller serial data terminal connected to Microcontroller and computer using asynchronous serial communication (RS-232 communications), MCU control circuit output LCD control circuit with the input connected to Microcontroller external interrupt input circuit response with the keyboard connected to the output signal. MCU control circuit output and the ISD voice chip, the input control circuit connected with the ISD voice chip microcontroller using SPI communication control (synchronous serial communication), the utility model can display numbers, text, graphics sound, etc and also to achieve the operator two-way communication with clients, their structure is reasonable, easy to operate.
Keyword: play voice LCD display flash SPI communication RS-232 communication
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
第二章 总体设计方案 2
2.1 系统的总体方案 2
2.1.1 系统的总体结构 2
2.1.2 系统的设计方案 2
第三章 串口通信介绍 4
3.1 串口通信概述 4
3.2 RS-232C标准 4
3.2.1 电气特性 4
3.2.2 连接器的机械特性: 4
3.2.3.串口调试注意事项 5
第四章 上位机设计 7
4.1 上位机在总体介绍 7
4.1.1 上位机功能介绍 7
4.2 VB6.0 的简单介绍 8
4.3 VB6.0中重要模块控件介绍 9
4.3.1 MSComm 控件介绍 9
4.3.2 Mp3Play 控件介绍 10
4.4各模块程序设计 12
4.4.1 字符串处理函数 12
4.4.2 生成语言模块 14
4.4.3 下载模块 15
4.4.4 MSComm事件处理 16
第五章 下位机设计 18
5.1 硬件构成 18
5.1.1 处理模块MSP430单片机 18
5.1.2 12864 带字库液晶显示屏 20
5.1.3 ISD1700系列语音芯片介绍 21
5.2下位机软件设计 24
5.2.1 程序总体设计及程序流程图 24
5.2.2 MSP430中断结构及flash的读写 25
5.2.3 对ISD1700系列语音芯片的嵌入式操作 27
第六章 总结 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31
附录: 32
1、电路原理图: 32
2、关键程序: 32
(1) 串口通信及SPI波特率设置 32
(2) ISD1730定点录音、播放程序 33
(3)MSP430 flash的擦除和写入 34