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论文编号:ZD1522  论文字数:15828,附开题报告干式变压器的理论技术与参数的设计摘    要在整个电力系统中,变压器是一个相当重要的组成部分。90年代后期,我国配电变压器行业发展速度较快。而干式变压器由于结构简单,维护方便,又有防火、难燃等特点,我国从20世纪50年代末即已开始生产,但近10来年才开始大批量生产。改革开放以后,在电力变压器的科技攻关、技术引进、消化吸收、科技创新等方面都取得了积极的成效;对掌握各种类型变压器的制造技术,提高产品性能,提高产品质量,缩短产品开发周期,扩大产品产量,增加产品品种都发挥了积极作用。掌握变压器的设计思路是十分必要的,本文涉及到变压器资料的搜集和分析,变压器的基本介绍,并且以1000kVA的树脂绝缘干式变压器为例进行电磁计算、抗短路冲击强度的计算与验证等。同时,变压器中各项试验也是非常重要的。本设计针吸收了较为先进的技术,参考了现运行的其它变压器的设计资料,并为力求做到供电安全可靠、节能尽了最大的努力。
The Probe of Dry-type Transformer’s Theory and Technical Design
AbstractIn the whole power system, the transformer is a very important part. In the late of 90s, the distribution transformer industry developed fast in China. The dry type transformers has such features as simple structure, easy maintenance, fire flame and so on. From the late 50s of 20th century, the dry type transformers have been produced, but until in nearly 10 years they are high-volume production. After reform and opening up, with achieved positive results of scientific and technological research, technology introduction, digestion and absorption of technological innovation of transformers, it has played an active role in the control of various types of manufacturing technology, improving product performance, and product quality, shortening product development cycles, expanding product yield and increasing product variety.To grasp the transformer design concept is necessary. This article involves the data collection and analysis and the basic introduction of transformer, and even make the 1000kVA resin insulation dry-type transformer as an example to explain electromagnetic calculations, the impact strength of short circuit calculation and verification. Meanwhile, the test of transformer is also very important.This design incorporates a more advanced technology, referencing the other running transformer design information, and try the best efforts to be safe and reliable electricity supply and energy conservation.
Key Words:Power Systems;Dry-Type Transformer;Electromagnetic Calculation
目录AbstractIII引    言11  概述22  一般变压器的介绍32.1  用途32.2  工作原理32.3  干式变压器的优、缺点42.3.1  优点42.3.2  缺点52.4  结构62.5  变压器的分类72.5.1  按容量分72.5.2  按用途分72.5.3  按相数分82.6  绝缘等级82.7  变压器的联接组别83  原材料的介绍103.1  铁心材料103.2  绕组的材料113.2.1  概述113.2.2  铝箔和铜箔制造的干式变压器线圈的技术性能比较114  附件134.1  温控系统134.2  冷却方式134.3  防护方式135  举例介绍(1000kVA的变压器)145.1  型号及相关参数145.2  产品的标准和技术参数145.2.1  三相配电用干式变压器产品标准145.2.2  变压器技术参数155.3  电磁计算155.3.1  基本参数155.3.2  具体电磁计算165.4  抗短路冲击强度的计算与验证215.4.1  短路电流的倍率215.4.2  耐热等级225.4.3  短路时机械强度235.4.4  结论256  试验项目266.1  试验的项目266.2  具体方法266.2.1  基本检查266.2.2  电压比测量与联接组别测定266.2.3  绕组直流电阻测量276.2.4  绝缘电阻测量276.2.5  空载电流和空载损耗测量276.2.6  短路阻抗和负载损耗测量286.2.7  外施耐压试验296.2.8  感应耐压试验296.2.9  局部放电试验296.2.10  噪音试验306.2.11  温升试验(型式试验)316.2.12  雷电冲击试验(型式试验)33结    论34参 考 文 献35致    谢36干式变压器的理论技术与参数的设计......
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