论文编号:ZD902 论文字数:8743,页数:29
摘 要
Temperature is a very important physical quantity which used in production and life .For the different applications, it is necessary to produce the proper system of measuring temperature.
The main theoretical base is theory of data collection . The temperature signals measured by 18B20 sensors transform to the voltage signals .The single chip transforms the voltage code to 16M code which is the basic of communication .I design the interface circuit between the single chip and PC .The temperature signals are received and described by VB and then displayed on the screen .All the signals can be Real-time memory in order to analyze them .
Keywords: Temperature ,Current curve,VB6.0
摘 要 II
Abstract III
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题意义 1
1.2 课题研究的主要内容 2
2 通讯设计基础 3
2.1 RS232通信接口 3
2.2 单片机串口通信基础知识 3
2.3 VB简介 5
2.4 MSComm控件 5
2.4.1 MSComm控件两种处理通讯的方式 6
3 系统设计 10
3.1 功能要求 10
3.2 设计方案 10
3.2.1 下位机设计 10
3.2.2 上位机设计 12
4 程序设计 14
4.1 mscomm串口程序设计 14
4.2 曲线绘制程序与报警 14
4.3 指定参数阀自动控制恒温 16
4.4 数据保存程序 16
5 总结 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20
附录 上位机程序 21