论文编号:ZD908 论文字数:20258,页数:36
关键词: 建筑电气;照度;布线;负荷计算
With the development of economic construction, the construction and development of present city of China are fast, its scale big, range is wide, is unprecedented. Technique permeate the combination mutually with the information because of the building technique with fast and fierce development of building electricity technology, in 1980’s age the period the new building type-intelligent buildings turned out. This design is a floor area of a certain electrical system design.
For ground house not top-grade of 12 layers in project floors in this, all house above the ground. The floor space is about 600 square meters;It is that each layer is high.3 m. The internal and external discrepancy in elevation of the room is 0. 45m. This engineering is two buildings, and carry to adopt the double the power supply the power supply, power supply to come from the transformer substation for second class burthen power supply, fire fight system and part of importance at the same time, three modulation four line system, adoption TN-C-S System ,adoption tree trunk type contribution electricity the method give or get an electric shock the box to each allotment.
Design and include: For the distribution system to design, the building illumination is designed, the socket is fixed up, defending Ray and earth, the cable television system is designed, the comprehensive wiring system is designed, telephone system and can look at system of talk backing. The focal point originally designed is the strong electricity, design the distribution system of this project and motive force lighting system mainly.
Key word: Electrical construction;Lighting ;Wiring ;Load calculation
摘要 1
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
2 建筑供配电的负荷计算 3
2.2供配电的计算参数 5
2.3计算过程 5
3配电系统设计 8
3.1 住宅配电设计要求 8
3.2 配电线路的保护 8
3.3 配电回路及其保护措施方案选择 8
3.4 本设计具体配电方案 9
3.5 电能计量方式选择 10
4照明系统设计 11
4.1 住宅各部分照明对设计的要求 11
4.2 灯具的选择 12
4.3 照明开关的选择 12
4.4 以往插座系统设计的现状及其存在的问题 13
4.5 本设计的设计方案 13
4.6 照明设计的计算 14
5 防雷接地系统设计 17
5.1 接地内容与设计方案 17
5.2 防雷内容与设计方案 18
6 弱电系统设计 21
6.1电话通讯系统设计 21
6.2 有线电视系统设计 22
6.3 信息网络系统设计 22
6.4 门禁系统设计 22
7 消防系统的设计 24
7.1 消防系统的概述 24
7.2 火灾报警系统 24
7.3消防控制室的设置 25
7.4 火灾探测器的计算 25
7.5 应急照明 27
8 结论 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31