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摘  要
关键词:110KV继电保护线路  综合自动重合闸 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 www.〗

In this paper, based on the design of the power system protection of computer integrated automatic reclosing, including integrated reclosing the principle of integrated reclosing the composition, reclosing relay and the co-ordination, installation of hardware and software design part of the design. And details on the single-phase automatic reclosing, the three-phase automatic reclosing, integrated automatic reclosing, and the basis for selection of a 110 KV line to automatically switch on Computer Integrated Design
Reclosing installations reclosing and the election of the two functions, can work in the "single-phase automatic reclosing," "three-phase automatic reclosing", "Comprehensive automatically switch on" and "disabled" in four ways. Trip after the single-phase, single-phase reclosing not check the same period, in the three-phase reclosing under way, check the same period, non-pressure check and not check the same period, and so logical. Reclosing of "accelerated after the" manner and relay meet. 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 WWW.〗
Computer Integrated Computer automatically reclosing relay device is an important component of the automatic reclosing relay between closely with the good cooperation can be more quickly removed most cases the failure to improve power supply reliability, the system Safe and stable operation to have an extremely important role.
Keywords: 110KV lines relay         integrated automatic reclosing 〖资料来源: 毕业设计(论文)网〗


目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 电力系统继电保护的作用 1

〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 www.〗

1.2 微机保护 2
1.2.1 微机保护概念 2
1.2.2 微机保护发展现状 2
1.2.3 微机保护的构成 2
第2章 自动重合闸 3
2.1 自动重合闸在电力系统中的作用 3
2.2 对自动重合闸装置的基本要求 4
2.3 重合闸与继电保护的配合 5
2.4 单相自动重合闸 7
2.5 三相自动重合闸 13
2.6 综合重合闸简介 13
第3章 110KV线路继电保护及自动重合闸 15
3.1 概述 15
3.1.1 微机自动重合闸的硬件系统 15
3.1.2 微机保护的硬件特点 15
3.2 数据采集系统的特点 16
3.3 CPU主系统设计 17
3.4 开关整定 18
3.5 距离保护 24
3.6 电力系统主接线图 28
第4章 重合闸软件流程图 30
4.1 QDB和ZDB对中断服务程序的控制 30
4.2 三跳启动重合闸部分 32
4.3 单跳启动重合闸 34
4.4 不对应启动重合闸 35
第5章 结 论 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39
附录 40 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 http://www.〗


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