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摘        要

The Principle and Defense of the "QQ tail" Virus
With the development of the Internet and the growing demand of the information exchange,chatting tools in the network have emerged.QQ has won many users'' love as a network chatting tool with the powerful functions,convinience and the friendly interface.With the increase in users and business expansion, QQ has become the target of many viruses, QQ tail virus which has many features such as being deceptive, hidden and harmful,has brought huge losses to many QQ users .
Windows hook is the monitor point of windows news mechanism, which can be used to intercept and seize the information flow in system.  Many viruses have taken advantage of this characteristic of Windows hook in the progamming. Windows system is based on event-driven mechanism, and all of this is completed through the information transmission. Hook is a very important system interface in windows system, which can be used effectively to intercept and process information sent to other application programme. Thus, we can install different types of Hook to monitor the events in the system by understanding the meaning of windows messages, so as to achieve the corresponding functions, such as intercepting keyboard and mouse input, capturing characters from Screen, logging monitoring ,cutting screenshots, etc.
This text takes "QQ tail" virus for example and has a detailed analysis of the use of the windows hook technology in the virus programme ,and  prepares the simulation virus code program on the basis of the features of the virus; finally ,it ends up with methods to prevent  this type of virus.

Keywords : QQ tail ,Windows hook, computer virus


QQ尾巴从本质上应该是种恶意病毒。此病毒其实是在一些恶意网站上嵌入了一段恶意代码,利用Windows系统下的Internet Explorer的iFrame系统漏洞自动运行恶意木马程序,从而达到侵入用户系统,进而借助QQ发送垃圾信息的目的。病毒在用户发QQ消息时先截获这段消息。并在后面添加自己的恶意文字。病毒通过浏览器漏洞,欺骗用户单击网址,让用户运行恶意程序这些运行了的程序会留在用户的系统中,自动监控QQ聊天窗口,发送按钮等。当用户发送消息时他就将之截获,并在后面添加病毒自身指定的内容再发送出去,这样就成了QQ尾巴。

目  录  15000字
1 绪论    1
1.1课题背景及来源    1
1.2课题研究的意义    1
1.3论文结构    1
2  QQ尾巴病毒    3
2.1病毒简介    3
2.1.1 病毒的生命周期    3
2.1.2 病毒特征    4
2.1.3 计算机病毒的传播途径    4
2.2  QQ尾巴病毒    5
2.2.1 病毒原理    5
3 钩子技术    6
3.1钩子的概念    6
3.2钩子类型    6
3.3钩子链    10
3.4钩子的安装与使用    10
3.5钩子的实现    11
4钩子在QQ尾巴中的应用    14
4.1利用钩子实现QQ尾巴    14
4.1.1 粘贴尾巴    14
4.1.2 监视与捕获    15
4.1.3 下钩与取钩    16
5  QQ尾巴防治    18
5.1 常见方法    18
5.1.1 IE方法    18
5.1.2 工具方法    18
5.1.3 一般方法    18
5.2 编程方法清除尾巴    18
总 结    27
致 谢    28
参考文献    29

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