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本自动印花设备由可转位的工作台,可上下、左右移动的印花机构,和可左右移动的推网机构组成。通过各机构的协调动作和控制系统的电路实现工作台和印花机构的逻辑动作,实现自动印花过程。自动化程度高、结构简单、控制方便,具有很高的实用价值和市场空间。 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 http://www.〗

关键词:自动印花  槽轮机构  推网机构  PLC控制系统

Screen printing mechanism design

Abstract: The structural design of the automatic printing equipment used when driving outside the geneva mechanism rotating table, and network printing agencies and institutions to promote the use of screw drive bodies. Finally forming the main component is included in the base, tank rounds, pin, screw, nut, rail, shaft, table, etc.. Need to check
the strength of some important parts.
Traditional relay control system to achieve motor control and protection features, because a lot of mechanical contacts, terminal complex, the traditional control methods have become increasingly complex production process can not meet the control requirements.
  Application of PLC to achieve the motor start and stop, rotating, and the order of start, step-down start and interlock protection features, you can give full play to PLC "soft take control" of the merits, by the logic becomes complex control functions; another , the application of PLC "soft touch" to replace the relay control circuit in the self-locking contact, interlock relay contacts and other contacts, and time to make the hardware connection PLC control system has been largely simplified, improve the reliability of the system. Therefore, motor control, the application of PLC control system to replace relay as inevitable. 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 http://www.〗
In the design of PLC control system is ided into circuit design, PLC and external wiring diagram flow chart, and the ladder and procedures of design.
The automatic printing equipment can be transferred from the position of the table, can be up and down, move around in the printing sector, and can move around the push net institutions. Coordinated action by all agencies of the circuit and control system, the logical table and printing action, automatic printing process. High degree of automation, simple structure, easy to control with high practical value and the market space.

Keywords: automatic printing  Geneva Mechanism  push net institutions  PLC control system

1) 完成工作台的机械结构的设计。
2) 完成印花机构和推网机构的机械结构的设计。
3) 完成控制系统的电路,实现工作台和印花机构的逻辑动作的设计。
4) 完成相关控制算法的设计。
在自动印花设备结构设计时,采用了外槽轮机构带动工作台旋转,并在印花机构和推网机构中采用螺旋机构进行传动。最后成形时所包含的主要部件是底座、槽轮、销子、螺杆、螺母、导轨、轴、工作台等。需要对一些重要部件进行强度校验。 〖毕业设计(论文)咨询QQ:306826066〗


〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 5 6 D O C.C O M〗


目   录   14000字
1  引言    1
1.1  选题的依据及意义:    1
1.2  国内外研究概况及发展趋势:    1
1.3  PLC控制系统的发展概况:    2
1.3.1国外PLC发展概况    2
1.3.2 技术发展动向    2
1.3.3 国内发展及应用概况    3
1.4.  设计要求及工作内容:    3
1.5. 目标、主要特色及工作进度    4
2   整体机械结构与旋转工作台的设计    4 〖资料来源: 毕业设计(论文)网〗
2.1整体系统结构分析    5
2.2.旋转工作台的部件分析    8
2.2.1 旋转工作台简介    8
2.2.2 槽轮的结构分析    8
2.2.3  滚动轴承类型的选择    10
2.2.4  螺钉的强度校核    12
2.2.5 轴的校核    13
3   推网工作台与磙子工作台的结构设计    14
3.1推网工作台和磙子升降台简介    14
3.2推网工作台和磙子升降台结构    14
3.3推网工作台和磙子升降台部件分析    18
3.3.1滑动螺旋传动的校核计算    18
3.3.2联轴器的选择    21
3.3.3导轨的选择    22
4   自动印花设备的控制系统    24
4.1可编程控制系统的基本结构    24
4.2自动印花设备的控制要求及印花工艺    26
4.3控制系统设计及功能    28
4.3.1 控制系统的构成    28


4.3.2主电动机的控制    29
4.3.3输入、输出地址分配,PLC外部接线图和限位开关的位置    31
4.3.4 软件编程    32
4.4总结与评价    35
结论    37
参考文献    38
致   谢    39 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 5 6 D O C.C O M〗

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