论文编号:JX460 有图纸。说明书字数:18447.页数:48
600)makesmallpic(this,600,1800);'' src="http://www./upload_files/article/44/2_20100321190316_3jhl1.jpg" width="345" height="366" border="0" title="04.jpg" />
摘要: 分析了家用程控电话机话筒塑件的结构特点,叙述了该塑件成型工艺、注射模的结构和工作过程,以及可自动抽芯、复位的内孔斜滑块抽芯。提高了生产效率。
Abstract: The characteristics of the program controlling telephone
microphone was analyzed .The forming process of the product was introduced. The structure and working process of the injection mould as well as the automatic core pilling push-bask slanted were specially stated, which increase the productivity.
Key words: microphone; injection; slanted; core pulling
目 录
一、设计题目和任务书…………………………………… 6
二、绪论…………………………………………………… 7
三、塑件分析……………………………………………… 14
四、塑件材料的成型特性与工艺参数…………………… 16
五、设备的选择…………………………………………… 18
六、模具结构的设计……………………………………… 18
七、设计小结…………………………………………… 44
谢辞……………………………………………………… 46
参考文献………………………………………………… 47