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论文编号:JX192  所有图纸,开题报告,论文字数:10319.页数:42

摘     要:

关键词:   冲压工艺    模具结构   回弹   斜楔机构



       The radio set`s bracket is a component of the automobile ,which also is a sheet deformed component .The material used in the design is SPHC .The main task is to determined the stamping Process of the radio set`s bracket , which  is economic and suitable on technique , according to  the analysis of the detail`s processibility. And then  design  all the dies used to deform the component .
  Four sets of dies are designed to deform this small component according to the analysis of the shape of the part and the the stamping Process of it .The first set is blanking and punching compound die .This compound die can punch the two small holes and blank at the same time .its trait is high working efficiency .The second set is bending die . Springback is considered in the  design of the bending die , since  there is a big bending radius .The third die is wedge clicker die .The slide wedge adjustment is adopted in the design ,which is used to  punch the hole on the bending surface deformed in the second step .The last set is bending die too , which is used to bend the two sides .This article  not only introduce the design of the integral construction of the dies ,but also use CAD software to draw the assembly drawings and the detail drawings of the dies in the design .
UG software is adopted in the design to draw the three-dimensional model of the component , which will not only look more intuitive , but also be used as a basis of the CAM .At the same time , analyze the stamping Process and select the suitable pressing machine .
Keywords: Stamping Process   Die Structure   Springback   Slide Wedge Adjustment

目  录

1.1冲压加工在生产中的应用 ..4
1.2冲压加工的优点 .4
1.3冲压技术的发展方向 5
1.4模具CAD/CAM技术 5
2收放机架安装支架工艺分析 ..6
2.1零件工作状况分析.. 6
2.2零件工艺方案的分析和确定 7
2.2.1毛坯尺寸的计算 ..7
2.2.2工艺方案的确定 ..9
3落料——冲孔复合模的设计 ..11
3.1冲裁件的排样 11
3.2搭边值的选取 12
3.3冲裁力、卸料力、推件力的计算 ..13
3.3.1 冲裁力的计算 13
3.3.2卸料力的计算. 14
3.3.3推件力的计算. 15
3.3.4总的冲裁力的计算 15
3.4凸、凹模设计原则.. 16
3.5冲孔凸凹模的设计.. 16
3.5.1冲孔模刃口尺寸公差及凸、凹模间隙.. 16
3.5.2冲孔凸、凹模工作部分的尺寸计算 .17
3.5.3冲孔凸、凹模型式 18
3.5.4冲孔凸模强度校核 19
3.6落料凸、凹模设计.. 20
3.6.1落料模刃口尺寸公差及凸、凹模间隙.. 20
3.6.2凹模和凸凹模的尺寸. 23
3.7其它零件的选择及相关尺寸的确定 23
4弯曲模设计 .25
4.1弯曲力的计算 25
4.1.1自由弯曲力的计算 25
4.3弯曲模工作部分的设计 .26
5斜楔冲孔模的设计. 28
5.1冲裁力的计算 28
5.2 冲长圆孔的凸模与凹模工作部分的尺寸 .29
5.3冲孔凸模强度校核.. 31
5.4斜楔冲孔模的工作过程 .32
5.5标准零件的选用. 33
6 U形弯曲模设计 34
6.1弯曲力的计算 34
6.1.1自由弯曲力的计算 34
6.1.2校正弯曲力的计算 34
6.2弯曲模工作部分的设计. 35
6.2.1凸模圆角半径 .35
6.2.2凹模圆角半径 .35
6.2.4模具宽度尺寸. 36
6.3其它零件的选择及相关尺寸的确定 37
7压力机的选择 ..37
结     论 39
致    谢 .40
参 考 文献 .41

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