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论文编号:JX201 所有图纸,论文字数:8035.页数:23


摘   要

关键词:冲裁件  复合模  设计 


      The present paper basis product pattern, the analysis blanking shape, the characteristic, the size size precision request,the surface quality and use ramming labor world and so on the material, in this foundation, according to the superposable die the superposable die which was highly effective, high grade and so on the characteristic selects inverts, on, got down the waste material, the waste material discharges directly from the punch press Taiwan face,did not block, ease of operation, security. The top die uses the rubber, plays to the certain smooth role, improves the work piece quality, even reduces the working procedure. Has designed the convex-concave mold, the raised mold, the concave mold structure separately, the raised mold uses takes shape the processing or the line cuts, the blanking partially carries on the heat treatment, by the screw retention, the rigidity pushes, the elastic dumping device rubber elasticity from bootom to top promotes the yard lumber, but acts along with the top die movement, the movement steady reliable also is not easy to damage the mold among, uses the guide pillar circular to have the use installment, also because of does not install when but creates the mold damage, according to flushes the pressure to choose the type fixed platform press.
 Key word:  Blanking  superposable die  design.


目 录
前  言    3
冲裁件的工艺性分析     4
冲裁的工艺方案    5
排样設計与计算    5
4.1排样方法和原则    5
4.2确定搭边值     5
4.3送料步距与条料宽度的计算    6
4.4材料利用率的计算    7
5   冲裁力计算     8
5.1落料力、冲孔力、卸料力、推件力的计算    9
5.2初选压力机    10
6   模具压力中心    10
7   凸凹模的设计    12
7.1尺寸计算原则   12
7.2落料凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算    12
7.3冲孔凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算    13
7.4凹模的高度与强度校核    14
7.5凸模、凸凹模的强度校核    14
8  凸模垫板承压计算   18
9   橡胶的选用与校核    18
10  模架的选用    20
11  冲压设备的选用    21
12  结束语    21
致谢    21
参考文献    21

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