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目   录
1  引言 1
1.1  课题的理论意义和应用价值 1
1.2  国内外研究概况及发展趋势 2
1.3  本论文所做的工作 2
1.4  本文的结构 3
2  软件开发技术简介 3
2.1  软件复杂度 3
2.2  Lex简介 8
2.3  Yacc简介 8
3  微型编译器系统分析 11
3.1  ANSI C99标准的分析 11
3.2  系统构造 12
3.3  确定设计目标 15
4  系统设计 15
4.1  整体设计 15
4.2  输入子系统的设计 16
4.3  预处理子系统的设计 17
4.4  语法解析子系统的设计 17
4.5  语义解析子系统的设计 20
4.6  输出子系统的设计 21
5  系统测试 24
6  系统展望 25
结论 26
致谢 27
参考文献 28

1  引言
1.1  课题的理论意义和应用价值
1.2  国内外研究概况及发展趋势
1.3  本论文所做的工作
1.4  本文的结构
论文的第一部分论文综述简要介绍了本文的背景和动机。在第二部分简要介绍了开发该基于局域网的考试系统微型编译器所用到的软件开发技术,其中包括词法分析生成器(Lexical compiler,以下简称Lex),语法分析器的生成工具(Yet Another Compiler Compiler,以下简称Yacc),软件复杂度等。第三部分分析了美国国家标准代码99(American National Standards Institute Code 99,以下简称ANSI C99)的内容,设计了微型编译器的系统构造。第四部分详细介绍了微型C代码规则编译器的设计和核心部分的实现。最后对该编译器进行了展望,说明该编译器还有需要完善的地方。
2  软件开发技术简介
2.1  软件复杂度
在这个系统开发的过程中,需要介绍一下软件复杂度的概念。在硬件的可靠性设计中,有一条基本原则“简单就是可靠”。这个原则同样也适用于软件,与功能的增多或增强相伴的是不断升级与补丁。现在已经有若干种软件复杂性的度量方法可供参考,针对软件的可维护性,目前业界主要存在三种度量参数:Line复杂度、Halstead复杂度和McCabe复杂度。其中Line复杂度以代码的行数作为计算的基准。Halstead以程序中使用到的运算符与运算元数量作为计数目标(直接测量指标),然后可以据此计算出程序容量、工作量等。McCabe复杂度一般称为圈复杂度(Cyclomatic complexity),它将软件的流程图转化为有向图,然后以图论来衡量软件的质量。McCabe复杂度包括圈复杂度、基本复杂度、模块设计复杂度、设计复杂度和集成复杂度。其中McCabe 是比较出色和实用的方法。它能够计算出多种软件复杂度,由此可对软件进行检查,从而分析和查明那些可能导致错误的代码。
70年代,软件系统己经变得极其复杂,无论是开发还是维护都是一项成本高昂的工作。人们意识到必须使软件模块化,以便于开发、测试和维护。为此,成立于1976的McCabe&Associates公司开发出了McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity Metric(圈复杂度)技术对软件进行结构测试。Metric以软件复杂度测量的数目为基础,能帮助识别难于测试和维护的模块,圈复杂度已经成为评估软件质量的一个重要标准。人们可以用圈复杂度对软件的复杂度和质量进行衡量,来安排工程进度,在成本、进度和性能之间寻求平衡。
优点:衡量模块对其下层模块的支配作用;衡量一个模块到其子模块进行集成M试的最小数量;定位可能多余的代码;以复杂的计算逻辑和设计来区分模块;是设计复杂度(Design Complexity,以下简称SO)和集成复杂度(Integration Complexity 以下简称S1)计算的基础;与所用的高级程序设计语言类型无关。设计复杂度以数量来衡量程序模块之间的相互作用关系,它提供了系统级模块设计复杂度的概况,有助于衡量进行自底向上集成测试的效果,而且提供了全面衡量程序设计规格和复杂度的数据,不反映独立模块的内部情况。高设计。复杂度的系统意味着系统各部分之间有着复杂的相互关系,这样系统将难以维护。SO是程序中所有模块设计复杂度之和。
优点:有助于集成测试的实施;量化集成测试工作且反映了系统设计复杂度;有助于从整体上隔离系统复杂度。行数(Number of Lines以下简称nl),行数是模块中总的行数,包括代码和注释。
规范化复杂度(Normalized Complexity以下简称nv):规范化复杂度是圈复杂度除以行数。计算方法:n- (G )/nl
全局数据复杂度(Global Data Complexity以下简称gdv(G))
全局数据复杂度(需有McCabe Data)量化了模块结构和全局数据变量的关系,它说明了模块对外部数据的依赖程度,同时度量了全局数据的测试工作,也描述了模块之间的藕合关系,能反映潜在的维护问题。
局部数据复杂度(Specified Data Complexity以下简称sdv(G))
局部数据复杂度(需有McCabe Data)量化了模块结构和用户局部数据变量的关系,同时度量了局部数据的测试工作。
我们能够使用McCabe Data的数据字典选择单独的数据元素,指出每个数据元素具体的数据类型。局部数据复杂度还提供了其他的数据选择准则,量化了每个模块中相应数据对模块控制结构的影响。
病态数据复杂度(Pathological Complexity以下简称pv(G))衡量一个模块包含的完全非结构化成分的程度,标出向循环内部跳入的问题代码,而这些部分具有最大的风险度,通常需要重新设计。
优点:与所用的高级程序设计语言类型无关;指出了可靠性的问题,助识别极不可靠的软件。病态复杂度就等于简喇氏了维护风险;帮Halstead Metrics。
McCabe能够为所选择的语言产生Halstead Metrics复杂度。Halstead复杂度是以程序中出现的运算符和运算元为计数对象,以它们出现的次数作为计数目标(直接测量指标),然后据此计算出程序容量、工作量。


5  系统测试
6  系统展望
1.1 the theoretical significance and application value a
1.2 Research and development trend of domestic and overseas 2
1.3 This thesis work done by the two
1.4 The structure of this 3
2 Software Development Technical Overview 3
2.1 Software Complexity 3
2.2 Lex Introduction 8
2.3 Yacc Introduction 8
3 Micro-Analysis 11 compiler
3.1 ANSI C99 standard analysis of 11
3.2 System Construction 12
3.3 determine the design goals 15
4 System Design 15
4.1 The overall design 15
4.2 Input Subsystem Design 16
4.3 Preprocessing Subsystem Design 17
4.4 parser subsystem design 17
4.5 Semantic Analysis Subsystem Design 20
4.6 Output Subsystem 21
5 System Test 24
6 System Outlook 25
Conclusion 26
Thanks 27
References 28

1 Introduction
Operations and duties include teaching and learning process in schools as a whole a very important part of practical teaching. Through the work, students can consolidate the classroom what they have learned, and feedback from teachers marking the improved enough to inspire the learning of the consciousness; through the work, teachers can get information on student work, evaluating teaching effectiveness, understanding of students learning timely adjust their teaching strategies to facilitate the education and teaching.
For a long time, operating essentially in writing, while the operation is basically hand-correcting ways, in this traditional mode of operation, the students work perfunctory treatment, lack of doing, the phenomenon of late, and plagiarism serious Second, the heavy duties include tasks to the Teacher cause great burden of work, even in the modern network of teaching, modes of operation and the correcting ways are mostly done via e-mail.
With the multimedia technology and network technology, the rapid development of the current through written, e-mail to complete the work and the traditional way of correcting the way that can not meet current development needs of all aspects of operations, in order to adapt to this situation, we try to to develop a teaching program design for a new auto-correcting system of the remote job submission, referred to as OnlineJudge, which judgment-line.
The system''s design idea came from the U.S. Association for Computing Machinery''s International Collegiate Programming Competition. International Collegiate Programming Competition in the game is to use the computer automatically correcting the source of all race teams to get results of the competition.
OnlineJudge referee system is an online system. It can compile the program source code and implementation, and through the pre-designed test data to test the correctness of program source code.
Submitted by each student under the program OnlineJudge the system implementation will be subject to more stringent restrictions, including restrictions on running time, memory usage restrictions, and security restrictions. Program execution results will be OnlineJudge system to capture and save, and then hand them over to a referee process. The decision procedure is the measured output data and standard procedures for the difference between the answer and then proceed to the sub.
OnlineJudge system has two parts, one is the systematic process, and the other is more important is the item bank is entitled according to the progress of teaching, the difficulty to be implemented progressively.
1.1 the theoretical significance and application value
The collection of written assignments and compiling statistics has always been troubled by a major challenge for teachers. In a traditional job submission and mark the way, teachers not only need to spend a lot of effort to collect operation, these duties, statistics of students operating results. In addition, the teachers, these duties also affected by the constraints of time, and the heavy teaching duties include tasks would produce weariness, leading to efficiency and quality of correcting lower. The teaching process, students hand in papers and generally a week
After correcting the results can be teachers, which is teaching a certain lag and out of touch, is not conducive to the students grasp the knowledge learned is not conducive to a good job feedback feature to play.
Teachers to use computer networks to achieve the operation of distribution and submission of student assignments, teachers, only one networked computer, you can collect and marking of students work. Statistical analysis of operations automation, easy sorting, inspection operations in a glance. And students can choose the right time and right place to submit work, not strictly limited by time and space, easy to operate simple.
Our system can support the individual who questions the election to determine the objective questions and other kinds of questions in support of program design questions such as subjective kinds of questions. To enable teachers to work release, release of teachers to improve operational flexibility, enhanced job title to form the diversity of ways, and thus further enhance the quality of the job title.
1.2 Research and development trend of domestic and foreign
At home and abroad are very similar examination system compiler, but they all more or less the existence of a certain defective. Because of different programming languages, so it should be developed for each programming language adapted to the language of the code compiler. Therefore, many foreign companies have done in this direction, and made the development of tools for software product releases, such as Telelogic Corporation, the U.S. Compuware Corporation. In the home, along with the increasingly large-scale software development and outsourcing services in China''s foreign customers, there are several companies in the development of similar rules of the source code compiler. However, the development of the above are only to customers or for the special needs of the development within the company, so have some limitations.
Apart from the above-mentioned factors, however, due to the different programming languages, as well as norms of all walks of life use of language is different from the compiler source code rules do not have the universal in nature, so as the theory of software testing technology, continuous development, and testing some of the code the theory of increasingly sophisticated software, such as software complexity and so on, the compiler will promote the code rules constantly updated improved; Meanwhile, along with the popularization of computers in all walks of life, the software needs of increasing, more consideration must be properly the quality of software development can be better in the software industry''s competitiveness, so the needs of the compiler code rules will be gradually increased, in view of the technical situation, we would also like to develop a more complete functional test system based on LAN compilation device.
1.3 This thesis work done by the
In order to achieve LAN-based examination system micro-compiler, the compiler should first be used to explain the software development technology in order to facilitate research. Then analyzes the tool needed to achieve what kind of software architecture. In the previous work based on the design and realization of such a mini-compiler. Finally, after a system test of the tool derived
Examination of efficiency, so that the system has other similar software can not be achieved, so that the use of effects to achieve improved significantly.
1.4 Structure of this article
Paper a brief overview of the first part of the paper describes the background and motivation of this article. In the second part briefly describes the development of the examination system based on LAN mini-compiler used by software development technologies, including lexical analysis generator (Lexical compiler, hereinafter referred to as Lex), parser generation tool (Yet Another Compiler Compiler , hereinafter referred to as Yacc), software complexity and so on. Part III analyzes the American National Standards Code 99 (American National Standards Institute Code 99, hereinafter referred to as ANSI C99) of the content, design, compiler of the micro-system construction. The fourth section details the rules of the micro-C code compiler design and implementation of the core. Finally the compiler of the outlook, stating that the compiler still need to improve the place.
2 Software Development Technical Overview
The examination system based on LAN mini-compiler in practice is a relatively large project, the project development process in the actual use of a lot of software development in more mature software development. In this section will be used in a more detailed description of techniques, so that the tool can be more profound understanding and research.
2.1 Software Complexity
In the system development process, the need to introduce the concept of software complexity. The reliability of the hardware design, there is a basic principle of "less is more reliable." The same principle applies to software, and function of the increase or enhancement is accompanied by constant upgrades and patches. There are already several kinds of software complexity metrics for reference for software maintainability, and now there are three key industry metric parameters: Line complexity, Halstead complexity and McCabe complexity. One Line complexity to the number of lines of code calculated on the base. Halstead in order to use the program to the operator and operand count, as the number of targets (direct measurement of indicators), then you can calculate the procedure whereby the capacity of their workload. McCabe complexity, commonly known as the cyclomatic complexity (Cyclomatic complexity), it will flow chart of the software into a directed graph, and then graph theory to measure the quality of the software. McCabe complexity, including cyclomatic complexity, essential complexity, module design complexity, design complexity and integration complexity. In which McCabe is relatively good and practical approach. It can calculate a variety of software complexity, and thus can check the software to analyze and identify those that could cause the error code.
70 years, software systems have become extremely complex, both the development and its maintenance is a costly task. People are aware of the need to make the software modular, in order to facilitate the development, testing and maintenance. To this end, was founded in 1976 in McCabe & Associates has developed a McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity Metric (cyclomatic complexity) technology software structural testing. Metric measurement of software complexity based on the number that can help identify hard to test and maintain the module, cyclomatic complexity assessment of software quality has become an important criterion. People can use cyclomatic complexity of the software complexity and quality to measure, to arrange for progress, in terms of cost, schedule and performance balancing.
There are several varieties complexity modules, classes and procedures for three types of complexity. Module complexity contains information on the complexity of the module; class complexity McCabe against those who use object-oriented features of the program, which contains information on the complexity of the class; program complexity contains information on the program complexity. Integration complexity of the report correspond to the three kinds of complexity is the three kinds of complexity of the report. If a report of the complexity of information more than one, then put the complexity of information combined into a new report.
The complexity of information integration is only one component and its subordinates to collect information. For example: If a program-level report contains a class of complexity, then the program only reports the composition of the classes of information, and does not contain information on the composition of classes. McCabe complexity of software architecture is a rigorous mathematical analysis can be accomplished, the program is essentially a measure of the complexity of topology, clearly pointed out the complexity of the task part of the. McCabe complexity include: cyclomatic complexity, essential complexity, module design complexity, design complexity, integration complexity, the number of rows, standardization complexity, and global data complexity, the complexity of local data, pathological data complexity. McCabe complexity, the use of software engineering there are three kinds of use of McCabe complexity metric approach.
As a test of the auxiliary tool. McCabe complexity metric is equal to the results of the path through a number of subroutines, which need to design the same number of test cases to cover all of the paths. If the test is smaller than the complexity of the number of cases, there are three conditions: First, the need for more testing; two points can get rid of certain judgments; third is that some plug-in code can be used to determine point of replacement. As a program design and management guidelines. In software development, need a simple way to identify possible problems of the subroutine. To maintain a common method is a simple subroutine to set a length limit, for example, 50 lines or two, but it is actually simple in the absence of an effective test method can do nothing alternative. Many people believe that McCabe is such a simple measure of measure. However, to pay attention, McCabe metric several major procedures, is not necessarily a bad thing structured. For example, Case statement is a good structure, but may have great McCabe metric number (depends on the statement in the sub-C code rules compiler design and implementation of count), this may be due to problems and solutions inherent in the complexity of nature of the decision. Users should decide for themselves how to use the information provided by McCabe metrics.
As network complexity metric methods. Hall and Preiser proposed a combination of network complexity metrics for the measure may be caused by several programmers groups according to the modular principle to establish a large-scale software system complexity. McCabe complexity can be used to measure the complexity of each module can also be used to measure the network complexity.
Cyclomatic complexity: cyclomatic complexity is used to measure the complexity of the structure of a module to determine the extent of the quantity expressed as the number of independent paths, that is reasonably required for the prevention of wrong path to be tested for at least the number of big shows cyclomatic complexity code may be of low quality and difficult to test and maintenance, experience has shown that procedures might be wrong and a high cyclomatic complexity has a major contributing factor. Method of calculation program code node is the smallest unit, while the representative of the program flow between nodes.
Benefits: to avoid the tendency of software errors; pointed out that the extremely complex modules, such modules may be further refined; measurement test plan to determine test priorities: In the development process by limiting the program logic to guide the testing process: that will be the test area: to help testers determine the testing and maintenance of the object; with the high-level programming language used type. Application of cyclomatic complexity should be pointed out that the software quality testing to ensure that the minimum number of basic paths. In practice, the test is unrealistic for every one pass the test more difficult as the path increases. However, testing the basic path to measure the reasonableness of the complexity of the code is necessary. McCabe & Associates recommended cyclomatic complexity to 10, because of the high complexity of the circle to make testing even more complex and increases the probability of software errors generated.
Tip: cyclomatic complexity metric is a measure of a software module in the number of branches in all the development cycle to be used. Cyclomatic complexity metrics to the software architecture flowchart-based. Control flow chart describes the logical structure of software modules. In a typical language of a module is a function or subroutine, there is one entrance and one exit, you can also call / return mechanism design module. Software modules for each execution path, there is and from the module''s control flow chart of the entrance to the exit node consistent path.
"Cyclomatic" from the non-directly connected to the number of the basic test cycle, more importantly, yes., But also through directly connected to the chart gives the number of independent paths. Through the correlation chart, one node to another node. Cyclomatic complexity metrics can be used as the basic flow path of the number of modules, which focus on the module linear combination, the path generated by the number of the smallest. Cyclomatic complexity of the restrictions there are many good ways to limit cyclomatic complexity. The module is too complex and error-prone, difficult to understand, test, correction, so it should be in software development at all stages of the complexity of conscious limitations, many developers have successfully achieve the complexity limit the software as a software part of the project, although The exact number of the slightly controversial. The number of initial support is 10, now supports up to 15 numbers. However, should only be better in terms of the number of cases so that more than 10, for example, is very experienced developers, design in line with official standards, the use of modern programming language, structure, procedures, code walkthroughs, and advanced testing program. In other words, the development team can choose more than 10 the number of R-bands, but must make some trade-offs based on experience, the energy spent on the more complex modules.
Basic complexity: basic complexity is used to measure the degree program unstructured, non-structural components to reduce the quality of the program, increasing the difficulty to maintain the code makes the program difficult to understand. Thus, the basic unstructured high complexity means that a high degree of modularity and maintenance is difficult. In fact, the elimination of an error and sometimes give rise to other errors. Method of calculating the cyclomatic complexity of the structured part of the figure reduced to a point, after the flow chart to simplify the calculation of the cyclomatic complexity is the fundamental complexity.
Benefits: measure of unstructured degree; reflect the quality of the code; predict the amount of code maintenance; with the high-level programming language used type. When the basic complexity of applications is 1, this module is fully structured; as the basic complexity of greater than 1 but less than cyclomatic complexity, this module is part of the structured; as the basic circle is equal to the complexity of the complexity of this module is completely unstructured.
Module design complexity of module design complexity is used to measure the module to determine the structure, that is, modules and other modules of the call relationship. A high degree of software module design complexity means that the high heterozygosity module disaster, which will lead to the module difficult to isolate, maintain and reuse.
Compiler design and implementation of the calculation method of the module design complexity is removed from the module flow chart called sub-modules that do not contain the determination and circular structure of the ring obtained complexity, so the module design complexity can not be larger than the cyclomatic complexity is usually much smaller than the cyclomatic complexity.
Benefits: measure the module to its dominant role in the lower module; measure of a module to its integrated sub-module M the minimum number of test; location may be redundant code; to the complex computational logic and design to distinguish between modules; is the design complexity (Design Complexity, hereinafter referred to as SO) and integration complexity (Integration Complexity hereinafter referred to as S1) calculated on the basis; with the high-level programming language used type. Designed to measure quantitatively the complexity of interaction between program modules, which provides system-level overview of the module design complexity can help measure the bottom-up integration testing for the effect, but also provides a comprehensive measure of program design specifications and complexity of the data does not reflect the internal situation of independent modules. High-design. Complexity of the system means that parts of the system there are complex interrelationships between, this system will be difficult to maintain. SO is a program all the module design complexity combined.
Advantages: can be applied to complete the software can also be applied to any subsystem; pointed out that the complexity of a module as a whole, reflecting the modules of each module and the control of its internal relationships; reveals the complexity of the program module called degrees; help in the integrated complexity of calculations.
Integration complexity is to prevent the error must be carried out by the number of integration tests, said another way is to program the number of independent linear sub-tree, a sub-tree is a return to the calling sequence. Cyclomatic complexity as the number of paths to test, while the integrated complexity of a program or its sub-system of independent linear sub-tree.
Calculation method: a program of integration complexity and the complexity of a module of the ring is very similar, the program must calculate the full number of tests required for integration testing.
Advantages: help to integration testing of the implementation; quantitative integration testing and system design reflects the complexity; contribute to isolation from the overall system complexity. The number of rows (Number of Lines hereinafter referred to as nl), the total number of rows is the number of rows in the module, including code and comments.
Advantages: easy to compute, with the use type of high-level programming language has nothing to do; that the number of rows in the module (ie, module size), small-scale module easy to understand and maintain.
Normalized complexity (Normalized Complexity hereinafter referred to as nv): standardization of complexity is the cyclomatic complexity by dividing the number of rows. Calculation method: n-(G) / nl
Advantages: with the use type of high-level programming language has nothing to do; the definition of those with a significant density to determine the logic modules, these modules relative to other common standard modules need to do more maintenance work.
Global Data Complexity (Global Data Complexity hereinafter referred to as gdv (G))
Global data complexity (the need for McCabe Data) to quantify the modular structure and global data on the relationship between variables, it shows the module''s dependence on external data, while a global measure of test data, but also describes the coupling between modules relations, can reflect the potential maintenance issues.
Local Data complexity (Specified Data Complexity hereinafter referred to as sdv (G))
Local Data complexity (the need for McCabe Data) to quantify the module structure and the relationship between the user local data variables, while a partial measure of test data.
We can use the data dictionary McCabe Data choose the individual data elements that each data element of the specific data types. Local Data complexity also provides additional data selection criteria, to quantify the corresponding data for each module of the module control structure.
Pathological data complexity (Pathological Complexity hereinafter referred to as pv (G)) to measure a module that contains the full extent of unstructured elements, mark the question to jump into the code inside the loop, but these parts have the greatest degree of risk, often need to re-design .
Calculation method: Compiler design and implementation of all the non-structural elements to remove the circulating jumped into the structure, into a line structure, after the flow chart of cyclomatic complexity.
Advantages: with the use type of high-level programming language has nothing to do; pointed out the reliability problems, to help identify the most unreliable software. Pathological complexity is equivalent to Jane La''s maintenance risk; help Halstead Metrics.
McCabe language of choice can produce Halstead Metrics complexity. Halstead complexity there is a program operators and operands to count objects, to the number of times they appear as a count of targets (direct measurement of indicators), and accordingly calculate the program capacity, the workload.

5 System Testing
The compiler development time longer, so in the actual project development is divided into the following stages. Development of the main system, pre-processing subsystem, input-output subsystem, grammar subsystem; semantic subsystem. In each development phase, each subsystem should be unit testing to ensure accuracy, try not to an error into the next phase of development. In the development process, unit testing is mainly used two methods, one is writing test cases later in accordance with the code path of the side branch coverage test and so on. Another is to use the unit testing framework, writing test cases, the final results are generated for viewing. Upon completion of the compiler of the test, also carried out a with the same type of performance comparison between products in order to estimate the performance of the compiler.
Test, to the development phase of the compiler, as well as the other two versions of a C-source project as input for testing. In addition to testing the effectiveness of the compiler, we also need to test the time efficiency of the compiler is the compiler than the marked increase, which is also the re-development of an important requirement for the compiler targets. Test project for the system source code. These two test targets, the development of the compiler if the compiler to achieve the same function with equal effectiveness the right circumstances, the time usage to have a more significant upgrade, it will be able to achieve our purpose to develop the compiler.
6 System Outlook
As the subject of the relationship between the long development cycle, the compiler still has a lot to be perfected. Some specific details as well as the improvements have not yet fully realized, so in this article has not been reflected. In future versions of the compiler, you can also provide more powerful features.
First of all, the rules will provide a more complete examination, in a future version of the code rules will be gradually improved C compiler, so that it functions will be more perfect; Second, the current cross-platform compiler, even though it can run, but only corresponds to the Windows, Linux , Solaris, and for a number of embedded development system has not expanded accordingly, so future versions should be able to more platforms, so as to improve the tools for penetration; third, still need to improve the efficiency of tools, whether it is in the input subsystem, or the syntax, semantics and other sub-system is still feeling a great possibility to raise efficiency and should therefore be tested through the evaluation of the tool make the appropriate improvements; Finally, the tool does not provide a graphical interface, in a future version of the of the tool should be developed to achieve the corresponding version of the graphical interface, so as to enable the compiler the management and the use of more humane, easier to use.

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