摘 要:饭店的产生和发展源远流长,至今已经有几千年的历史。“悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追”。如今的中小型饭店已是五指山市餐饮行业的重要组成部分,和每个市民的生活息息相关,正所谓“民以食为天”。笔者通过为期近十天的暑期社会实践,以打工的形式进入翡翠酒家,对这类中小型饭店作了比较深入具体的了解、调查。笔者在切身经历、亲自实践的基础之上,以一孔之见提出自己对这类饭店实际现状和未来发展的简单拙见,望方家指教!
(一) 循环经济运营,处理好饭店与环境的关系
循环经济(Circular Economy,or Recycle Economy)是物质循环流动型经济的简称。它本质上是一种生态经济,即运用生态学规律而不是机械论规律来指导人类社会的经济活动。传统的工业经济是一种“资源-产品-污染物”的线性经济,对资源的利用是粗放型的和一次性的。与此不同,循环经济倡导的是一种与地球相和谐的经济发展模式,它要求把经济活动组织成一个“资源-产品-再生资源”的流程,所有的物质和能量要能在这个不断进行的经济循环中得到合理和持久的利用。②
通过这些天的观察思考,发现传统经济模式下的饭店存在大量浪费现象,主要表现在:1、设施能耗与饭店的实际经营不匹配。2、饭店能耗管理与能源浪费 3、管理者和基层员工都缺乏主动节约能源的意识。4、日常经营对库存物质的浪费等。我建议饭店要延长设施设备的使用寿命,延长饭店资源的利用时间和次数以及加强在技术上和管理上推进饭店节能减耗。
在饭店工作的尤其是服务员大多以女性为主,并且又以18-28岁的年轻少女为主,经笔者调查所在打工饭店的女服务员最小的17周岁,除了两名(仅在客人多时才兼服务员一职,平时一般在柜台和厨房)在30岁以上,其余均不超过23周岁。经笔者口头询问,这些女服务员经常遭到一些喝醉客人的调戏、骚扰或谩骂,这些无疑对她们在心理和精神上造成巨大压力。再加上每顿吃饭的时间安排极不合理 造成身体疲乏而且这些服务员的月薪才六百而每天工作在10个小时以上。这样无论在精神上、心理上还是在物质上都给广大员工造成极大的工作压力。
所以饭店业竞争的实质便是人的竞争,可以说饭店的兴衰存亡在很大程度上取决于它所拥有的员工素质和人才管理水平。由此,饭店应通过丰富员工工作 内容 ,强化专业培训,改善领导风格,增强企业凝聚力,倡导公平竞争,择优晋升,实行物质、精神激励相结合,增强上下级、部门之间的沟通等途径,来努力提高饭店员工的工作满意程度。调动全体员工的积极性,充分发挥员工的创造力,把员工这最宝贵资源的潜能转化为饭店最为有效的竞争力,为提升饭店服务质量打下坚实基础。
管理大师彼得•杜拉克(Peter Drucker)曾经说过:“饭店的成功不是由生产者决定的,而是由顾客决定的。”这就说明在饭店经营过程中,满足顾客需求是第一位的。为了有效地服务于目标市场,饭店就必须开发适合的产品与服务并利用一切商务活动与综合手段,在适当的时间,适当的地点并以适当的价格实现与目标市场之间的交换。而饭店市场营销就是满足顾客要求以获得经济效益的经营管理活动过程,也是饭店创造产品和价值并与他人交换,以满足市场需求和实现其自身目标的过程。③ 中小型饭店在扩大市场、增加客源时应该立足自身实际,具体分析,实事求是地注意采取以下策略:
1.坚持市场导向。要顺应消费者的变化,以消费者需求为中心, 增强应变能力。应利用规模小、环境适应性强及应变能力强的优势,积极发现市场机会,抓住时机进行食品结构调整和资金转移,做到“人无我有、人有我优、人优我新、人新我转”,只有如此,才能适应市场的变化,在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。
3.营销方式个性化。规模小、实力有限决定了不宜采用大众化的营销方式同大酒店饭店直接竞争。应遵循财富增值规律 ,采用专利经营、优质服务、薄利多销等富于个性的营销方式,以特色经营、优势营销去占领市场。
4. 注意“微笑服务”,即是营销态度,又是对客人最直接的问候与友善。微笑是一种待客态度,是饭店产品,更是饭店有效的营销手段。在饭店业中流传着这样一句话:菜品不足服务补,服务不足态度补。这里的态度就是要求微笑服务。微笑服务既代表饭店对客人热情欢迎的态度,又代表了服务人员对自身职业的高度的荣誉感和责任心。饭店管理者要为员工创造一个温暖、和谐、向上的环境,员工才会有发自内心的微笑。所谓“只有满意的员工,才有满意的客人”正是由此而来。同时,饭店应注意培养员工“敬业乐业”的精神。所以,饭店员工对饭店工作的爱,对客人的爱,是员工热情、真诚的源泉。因为有了爱,便有了热情,便有了真诚的微笑。当然,饭店管理制度和服务环境的优化也是“微笑服务”的保证。
①孟 子:孟子•告子下[M].北京燕山出版社.卷十二.2007年
Abstract: The emergence and development of the hotel has a long history, it has been there for thousands of years of history. "See no past experience of the bridge, and to those who know the remedy." Today''s small and medium sized hotel is Wuzhishan an integral part of the catering industry, and the daily lives of every citizen is the so-called "Hunger breeds discontent." I through a period of nearly 10 days of the summer social practice in order to enter the Jade Restaurant in the form of working on such small and medium sized hotels were more in-depth understanding of a specific investigation. The author in the personal experience, hands-on basis in order to put forward their own Yikongzhixian the actual status of this type of hotel and future development of simple and humble opinion, hope FANG Zhi Jiao!
Key words: Wuzhishan City; small hotel; development; Summer Practice
Approach of summer, coincides with summer vacation, extraordinarily pleasant weather Fingers Fingers carried out in all walks of life are still in full swing, and our social practice of university students to work as scheduled activities. The School of Continuing Education Dean Professor Li Xiongfeng introduction, I came to our class group secretary Wuzhishan City Jade Restaurant, two carried out in 2009 summer social practice. We have adopted in order to wage-based survey supplemented by a combination of both ways. This will not only be in the specific practice of "true knowledge", "truth" the successful completion of this activity, but also in a new social environment in training ahead of schedule to adapt, and also to maintain wage by working to carry out practical activities in the lives of Fingers . Can serve three purposes!
The social practices of our working day after the end of the examination that is quickly carried to July 9, the day before the boss says we follow the good time 9:00 sharp, to the restaurant. However, it may not account for a good reason because of the proprietress, proprietress did not come in the morning the case, our arrival does not seem to be "identity." The two of us have been stupid to stand hall, no one ignore us. Is not too happy we were, thinking how to find a place where one end in disappointment, as if they did not see the two of us like. I have a lack of patience not wait to leave shortly, group secretary is female, than I am sensible, and she took me to take the initiative, and other attendants Zecai, vegetables, and gradually integrated into this new team attendant. Soon we will be talked and laughed, very harmonious. The next few days we all know us, we also take care of. Although the working tired, but there Kuzhongzuole feeling.
This is the first time I have to work, at home is also engaged in similar acts did not take any work, so there are a lot of things the first day did not understand even a few days later was also often wrong. 10:30 am We can eat breakfast, lunch, 2:30 to eat dinner But it was 9:30 before they can eat at other times did not cease to work, and even if the guests have to stand did not come. In short can not remain idle, legs and feet every day standing pain, stomach pain hungry. If only tired, they do not matter, almost every day by a number of guests is not high quality gas. So every day I want to escape immediately abandon the home. However, the thought of a girl can uphold the mission secretary, but also in silent support of my girlfriend I am concerned me, and I look at class she would see me and encouraged me, I told myself to persevere.
To be in the work environment to make their job easy, first of all have to isolate themselves from the relationship between the boss and colleagues do a good job. So I do things carefully and seriously do something. Also to be located as soon as possible familiar with their work environment. My place of work is a two-storey hotel restaurant, hotel lobby on the first floor, the upstairs private room, such as Mount Taishan, Mount Huangshan, Songshan, Huashan and so on, the kitchen on the first floor, first floor kitchen and second floor, pass between the vegetables lose belt. Almost every day we have to shuttle in these areas. Life really is the best teacher, through which I deeply understand what it meant to "sky will fall Daren Yu he died also, one must first hardship and allowed Liu, workers of their bones, their body skin hunger, depletion of their body, Line fu chaos it is, therefore tempted Ren Xing, they could not have been beneficial. "①
Jade restaurant in a period of 10 days or so to work, let me Wuzhishan the current status of small and medium sized hotel industry has been largely a preliminary understanding, which is standing in a hotel workers who are standing in an ordinary shop two outsiders point of view on the knowledge. As the saying goes, "Dangjuzhemi, disinterested observer" to "authorities" and "bystander" two point of view, it should be more comprehensive bar. Wuzhishan medium such as the Jade Restaurant, Hotel, tourists mainly come from local schools on the teachers and students and foreign tourists and local bosses, and cadres. Mostly restaurant dinner reservations, please, consumption higher, more money can be called a booming business. But at the same time, restaurants are still many shortcomings and weaknesses be improved.
It is true that, every restaurant is still inadequate and not entirely caused by the restaurant itself, the Jade restaurant is all about. Population and the migrant population in the Wuzhishan not had a lot of cases, the restaurant business so prosperous is considered a very successful, and this with the restaurant owners and employees to work together are inseparable. However, if the restaurant can pay more attention to note the following issues and can quickly solve a timely and effective, I believe that Jade Restaurant, tomorrow will be better!
(A) circular economy operations, handle the relationship between the hotel and the environment
Wuzhishan City is a small county-level tourism city, most small and medium sized hotel is still in the traditional economic model to operate, with the development of the tourism industry, hotel industry, the cost of energy, resulting in environmental pollution has gradually become prominent and growing seriously. As a small and medium hotels, would have less money, so to reduce costs, save consumption is very important. This requires managers to adhere to the scientific concept of development, based on circular economy hotels to carry out operations. Hotels develop recycling economy is the need for sustainable tourism development, integration with the international hotel industry needs. Hotel development of circular economy is a major move to cut expenditure will help conserve natural resources, reduce operating costs and boosting market competitiveness, and win more tourists. Develop a recycling economy will enable hotels to economic benefits, environmental benefits and social benefits to achieve a high degree of consensus. Hotel development of recycling economy is the path of sustainable development of modern hotels of the era of choice.
Circular Economy (Circular Economy, or Recycle Economy) is material-based economy, the short circulation. It is essentially a kind of ecological economy, that is the rule rather than mechanical application of ecological theory to guide the law of human society''s economic activities. The traditional industrial economy is a kind of "resources - products - pollution," a linear economy, the use of resources is extensive and one-off. This is different from advocating is a kind of circular economy in harmony with the Earth model of economic development, it requires economic activities, organized into a "resources - products - renewable resources," the process, all the materials and energy to be able to in this ongoing of the economic cycle in a reasonable and sustainable use. ②
Thinking through these days of observation and found that the traditional economic model of the hotel there is a lot of waste, mainly in: 1, facilities, energy consumption and the hotel does not match the actual operation. 2, the hotel energy management and energy wasted 3, managers and employees are the lack of grass-roots awareness of energy saving initiatives. 4, the daily operations of inventory and other waste material. I recommend that hotel to extend the service life of facilities and equipment to extend the hotel time and frequency of use of resources and the strengthening of the technical and management promote the hotel save energy.
(B) is concerned about taking care of employees, properly handle the relationship between boss and employee
Work, especially in the hotel attendants are mostly female-dominated, and Youyi mainly 18-28 year old young girl, after I discovered the hotel where the waitresses the minimum wage 17 years of age, in addition to 2 (only when the guests and more than attendant a post usually in general at the counter and kitchen) in the 30 years of age, the other not more than 23 years of age. Verbally asked by the author, these waitresses often suffer from a number of drunken guests molestation, harassment or verbal abuse, which no doubt caused by their psychological and emotional pressure. Coupled with the timing of meals tonne to unreasonably cause physical fatigue, and a monthly salary of only 600 of these attendants work every day in 10 hours or more. Whether the spiritually, psychologically or in the material gave the general staff would be a great stress at work.
Hotel Industry as well as service industry employees the nature of work itself, causing a great deal of psychological pressure. "Guest is always right" and "customer first" principle of such services so that employees feel that they are not being respected in the service in the process of psychological imbalance. The face of fierce market competition and demand for services to enhance the guests, the hotel must continue to improve service quality, reduce operating costs, the most direct manifestation of this is overtime.
Hotel strict management hierarchy is also made to employees as psychological pressure. "Official big one crushed to death" and in the hotel industry is very obvious, and many employees see managers afraid of. The prevalence in people management today, many restaurants still follow the past practice of "paramilitary-based management", staff do not have the right to speak, all obey orders, autonomy and creativity are suppressed, resulting in psychological pressure. However, at this point, I where the hotel is still good, boss and employee is still relatively harmonious and wife often personally and staff working together and chat.
The satisfaction of employees in the hotel plays a decisive role: the satisfaction of employees to create high-quality products, high-quality products to win customers satisfaction, satisfied guests to create a successful restaurant, the hotel will focus on cultivating the success of the satisfaction of employees, the formation of a a virtuous circle, and constantly enhance the development trend. Therefore, service quality will ultimately depend on the level of staff quality, service quality depends largely on the staff''s impromptu performance. Satisfied guests are the necessary conditions for the success of the hotel, while the employee is satisfied with the guests satisfaction the basis for creating a successful restaurant is based on the satisfaction of employees. Only employee satisfaction, they will loyalty, efficiency and creativity to give restaurants return. Employee satisfaction is itself a kind of "internal customers feel good" factor, with good "feel" of employees so that customers will have a real "home away from home" feeling.
Therefore, the real competition in hotel industry, the competition is people can be said that the rise and fall of restaurants depends largely on the quality of its own employees and talent management. As a result, hotel staff job content through a rich, strengthen professional training, improvement of leadership style, enhance cohesion, to promote fair competition, merit-based promotion, the implementation of material and spiritual incentives combined to enhance upper and lower levels, such channels of communication between departments, to efforts to improve hotel employee job satisfaction. To mobilize the enthusiasm of all staff, give full play to the creativity of employees to staff the potential of this most precious resource into a hotel the most effective competitive, to raise the hotel to lay a solid foundation for the quality of service.
(C) the emphasis on marketing, handle the relationship between the hotel and the market
• management guru Peter Drucker (Peter Drucker) once said: "Hotel, success is not determined by the producers, but by the customer decisions." This shows that in the hotel business process, to meet customer needs is the first of the . In order to effectively serve the target markets and restaurants would have to develop suitable products and services and use of all business activities with a comprehensive way, at the right time, right place and right price to achieve the target market and the exchange between. The hotel marketing is to satisfy customer requirements for cost-effective operation and management of an active process, but also restaurants to create products and value and exchange with others in order to meet market demand and achieve their own objectives process. ③ small and medium sized hotels to expand markets and increase their customer base should be based on practical, concrete analysis, practical attention to the following strategies:
1. Insist on market-oriented. To adapt to changes in the consumer to consumer demand as the center, to enhance adaptability. Should make use of small-scale, environmental adaptability and resilience of the advantages of strong, positive identification of market opportunities, seize the opportunity to carry out food restructuring and the transfer of funds, so that "people have me have, people have my excellent, excellent people I new, were new, I switch, "Only thus can adapt to market changes, in the fierce market competition invincible.
2. And passed the target market. Weaker capital for small and medium hotels, both impossible to occupy a large market forces can not be dispersed in various market segments, but only in the analysis of market conditions, the environment and their own under the premise of the limited resources into the and passed the target market. ④
3. Marketing personalization. Small-scale, limited strength, determine the appropriate use of the popular methods of marketing to compete directly with the hotel restaurant. Should follow the laws of wealth, value-added, using the patent management, quality service, puerile, and so rich in personality marketing approach to business characteristics, advantages of marketing to dominate the market.
4. Note that "smile service", that is, the marketing approach, but also to the guests the most direct and friendly greetings. Smiling is a hospitality attitude, is a hotel product, but also restaurants and effective marketing tool. Circulating in the hotel industry phrase: lack of services to complement dishes, inadequate services make up the attitude. Here''s attitude is to ask the service with a smile. Smile service is representative of hotel guests warm and welcoming attitude, and they represent the service of their own career high sense of honor and responsibility. Hotel manager they have to create a warm, harmonious and progressive environment, staff can there be from the heart smile. The so-called "Only satisfied employees have satisfied customers" It is the resulting. At the same time, the hotel should pay attention to training staff "professionalism" spirit. Therefore, the hotel staff on hotel work, love, love the guests, the staff warm and sincere source. Because of love, have a warm, have a sincere smile. Of course, the hotel management system and service environment, the optimization is also a "smile service" guarantee.
(D) based on retaining customers, handle the relationship between hotels and customers
Wuzhishan City, such as the small and medium sized hotels, business, the main source is the local customer is not a one-time foreign visitors, is to do long-term business. Should be based on long-term power to keep the local old customers and win new customers to the field once. Only in this way, the hotel will continue to hot. Hotel investment can not focus only on hardware updates, but also to invest in with the customer to establish long-term stable relationships. Today the hotel is difficult to pass decoration design, equipment and facilities, physical factors extrinsic distinction between competitors. Therefore, strengthening customer loyalty, reliance on a sense of that hotel an important way to maintain a competitive advantage. Through this double "invisible hand" to seize the hearts of the guests.
These are only the author of the Fingers of small and medium such as the Jade Restaurant, Hotel, current status and future development Yikongzhixian, hoping to play a role in attracting valuable opinions and allow more stakeholders to pay attention to hotel development, and guide the hotel industry towards a more reasonable and healthy direction. "Paper come Zhongjue shallow, and must know this to practice is essential", this summer I benefited from the social practice. This is not an end but rather just a beginning must have been beneficial to my future study and life!
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② PENG Xue-Qiang: modern hotel operation and management [M]. Changsha: Hunan University Press .2006 years
③ Li Xiaoting: The 21st century the theme of corporate marketing in China [J]. Shopping is now (published in late June) .2007 years
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