论文编号:SW226 论文字数:9010,页数:18
摘要:对从艾叶中提黄酮类化合物的工艺进行了研究,在提取过程中,通过单因素实验分析采用NaNO2-Al(NO3)3-NaOH显色法,对提取液浓度、提取温度、提取时间及料液比等4个主要因素对提取率的影响,在单因素的基础上,通过正交实验,得到最佳提取工艺, 乙醇浓度为40%,料液比为1:40,提取温度为70℃,提取时间为3h,其中最主要的影响因素是提取温度。再利用“还原活性”“总抗氧化活性”、“超氧阴离子”等抗氧化模型,对从中提取得到的总黄酮的抗氧化活性进行考察。
Abstract: Total flavonoids were extracted from Folium Artemisiae Argyi. The extraction rate of flavonoids was detected by adoption NaNO2-Al(NO3)3-NaOH color analysis. On the basis of a single factor, the extraction rate was measured through orthogonal experiment in this article. The best extraction conditions were concentration of 40% ethanol, feed ratio of 1: 40 and temperature at 70℃ for 3 hours. Reducing ability, total antioxidant activity and superoxide anion radical scavenging assays were carried out to evaluate the antioxidant potential of the total flavonoids.
Key words: Folium Artermisiae Argyi; Flavonoids; Antioxidant; Extraction