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论文编号:SW236  论文字数:10192,页数:22  附答辩PPT
关键词: 八角茴香 莽草酸 提取 乙醇

Title   Abstraction technology of shikimic acid from anise tree

 Shikimic acid is a single compound extracted from anise Chinese medicine, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, is the anti-cancer drug intermediates, there are clear anti-thrombosis, can inhibit the arteries and veins Thrombosis and cerebral thrombosis.
 Due to alcohol can cut off organic acids and coloring matters, Therefore, this experiment use of alcohol as extraction to get shikimic acid , use of Soxhlet extraction , is the use of solvents recirculation and siphon principle of returning to solid material constantly being pure solvent extraction, not only saving solution extraction solvent and high profits. Bruising of solid material before Extraction of solid material, to increase the area of solid-liquid contact.
  This experiment try to use alcohol as extraction to get star anise essential oil. In order to obtain the best industrial data, we also did several comparative trials.
Keywords:anise tree  shikimic acid  abstraction  alcohol


目  录
1.综述 1
1.1 前言 1
1.1.1八角茴香的历史 2
1.1.2八角茴香的鉴别 4
1.1.3八角茴香的化学成份 6
1.1.4 八角茴香的用途 6
1.1.5 八角茴香生产现状和市场前景 6
1.1.6 八角茴香生产在国民经济中的重要意义 9
1.2莽草酸简介 11
1.2.1八角茴香莽草酸 11
1.2.2莽草酸的特性 12
1.2.3八角茴香莽草酸的主要特点、功能 13
1.2.4莽草酸的合成方法 13
1.3 八角茴香莽草酸的安全性研究和开发利用 14
1.3.1八角茴香莽草酸的安全毒理分析 14
1.3.2莽草酸的开发利用 15
1.3.3八角茴香产品的市场空间 15
2.实验部分 16
2.1  实验目的 16
2.2  实验流程图 16
2.3实验材料 17
2.3.1实验仪器 17
2.3.2实验试剂 17
2.4 实验方法 18
2.4.1实验原理 18
2.4.2 实验步骤 19
2.4.3 最佳料剂比的确定实验 19
2.4.4 最佳提取液的选取实验 19
2.4.5 最佳提取时间的确定实验 19
2.4.6 最佳实验条件的确定实验 20
2.5对产物的处理与检测 20
2.5.1对产物的处理 20
3.实验结果与讨论 21
3.1最佳料剂比的确定 21
3.2最佳提取液的确定 21
3.3最佳提取时间的确定 21
3.4最佳实验条件的确定 21
4.结论 22
致谢 23
参 考 文 献 24

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