论文编号:SW118 论文字数:9518,页数:23
摘 要:随着生活水平的提高,人们对食品安全性的要求日益提高,传统的合成色素逐渐为天然色素所取代。红曲红色素正是一种备受关注的天然色素。本研究确定了红曲霉的最佳斜面培养基及发酵培养基,结果表明SDAY为最佳的斜面培养基,最优的发酵底物为玉米粉,最适的发酵温度为30℃。同时,对色素的稳定性及抑菌能力进行了初步研究,实验结果显示该红曲色素对高温较为敏感,当温度达到80℃时,色素随温度的上升分解加剧;该色素对温度也较为敏感,在光照6d后,色素的分解率达到74%;而食盐和蔗糖(0.5%和1.0%)对色素基本无影响;色素在pH7时最为稳定;氧化剂存在时色素不稳定,还原剂对其无影响。该色素对金黄色葡萄球菌有明显的抑菌作用。
关键词: 红曲色素;红曲霉;稳定性
The study of Monascus red pigment
Abstract: As improving of the living standards , the requirements for food safety is increasing day by day , so the traditional synthesis pigment gradually replaced for natural pigment . This study determined the best slant culture and fermentation medium, The results suggested that the best slant culture is SDAY and the fermentable substrates being indian meal and the fermentation temperature being 30℃ are the optimal condition . Then study the stability and the antibacterial ability of monascus red pigment , the results show that the pigment is sensitive to temperature and illumination, stability to salt and sugar(0.5% and 1.0%); the pigment has the best stability in pH7 ; Oxidants make the pigment be unstable , while reductants have no effect to it . This monascus red pigment has antibacterial ability to Staphylococcus aureus.
Keywords:Monascus red pigment ; Monascus ; Stability
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1. 绪论 1
1.1 红曲霉 1
1.2 红曲色素 1
1.3 红曲色素的性质 1
1.5 红曲色素的生产方法 2
1.8 红曲色素产品的开发 3
1.9 本课题研究的内容 4
2. 实验部分 5
2.1 试验材料 5
2.2 试验设计及方法 6
3. 结果与讨论 9
3.1 斜面培养基的确定 9
3.2 稀释倍数和OD值间的关系 10
3.3 发酵条件优化 10
3.4 色素稳定性的确定 11
3.5 色素抑菌能力的确定 16
4.总结与展望 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19