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论文编号:SW215  论文字数:11337,页数:18

摘  要:食品安全关系到人民的身体健康与生活水平,近年来有关食品安全的事件时有发生,人们越来越关心食品安全问题。论文研究了三种食品中常见的危害物甲醛、二氧化硫、亚硝酸盐和食品加工用水中有效氯的快速检测方法,确定以DPD-硫酸亚铁铵滴定法、AHMT目视比色法、PRA目视比色法和盐酸萘乙二胺目视比色法作为快速检测方法的基础,通过实验调整并简化操作程序,开发出快速检测试剂盒,检测准确度与分光光度法相比,半定量误差在15%以下,可以作为定性或半定量快速检测方法。试剂盒具有操作简便、检测时间短、不需要专门仪器设备、准确性能满足快速检测要求等特点。

Abstract: Food safety is closely linked to people’s health and standard of living. More and more people are attended food safety since a lot of food safety affairs have taken place in recent years. The rapid analysis methods of the three poisonous agents in food, including formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide and nitrite, and free chlorine in water are investigated. The improved rapid analysis methods are based on titration with DPD (4-amino-N,N-diethylaniline dihydrochloride) -ferrous ammonium sulfate for free chlorine, AHMT (4-Amino-3-hydrazino-5-mercapto-1,2,4- triazole) visual color for formaldehyde, PRA (pararosaniline) visual color for sulfur dioxide and N-1-Naphthylethylenediamine visual color for nitrite. The rapid analysis kits are developed by adjusting reagents and sampling the handling procedures. The kits-methods’ error is below 15% and can be used for semi-quantity rapid analysis. The kits have advantages of simple handling procedures, short time consuming, not requiring special equipment and comparatively prescience.
Key words: Food safety; Rapid analysis kits; Formaldehyde; Nitrite; Sulfur dioxide

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