论文编号:SW214 论文字数:15967,页数:25
摘 要:乳酸链球菌素(Nisin)是某些乳链球菌产生的一种多肽物质,是一种高效、无毒副作用的天然生物防腐剂。Nisin对大多数革兰氏阳性菌具有抑制作用,而对革兰氏阴性菌、酵母没有作用。聚赖氨酸是赖氨酸残基通过α羧基和ε氨基形成的酰胺键连接而成的短肽,具有抑菌谱广,水溶性好,安全性高,热稳定性好,抑菌PH范围广等优点。本次课题研究了乳酸链球菌素、聚赖氨酸对明虾制品防腐的作用效果,通过正交实验、感官评定和微生物分析等实验手段,全面研究了乳酸链球菌素、聚赖氨酸及相关因素对明虾制品的影响,找出了用乳酸链球菌素、聚赖氨酸保藏明虾制品的最佳工艺条件。
Abstract: Nisin is antibacterial multipeptide produced by certain strain of lactococcus lactis. It is a high-efficiency and nonpoisonous effect natural biopreservative. Nisin is effective against Gram-positive bacterium, however, there is no effect on the inhibition of Gram-negative bacterium and yeast. Poly-lysine, a kind of a peptide polymerized by the amid e bond between α-carboxyl and ε-amino groups, shows a wide rang of antimicrobial activity, water solubility, high safety, stability at high temperatures and wide pH range. Nisin and Poly-lysine in extending the shelf life of prawn was studied in this paper. The results showed that, the effect of Nisin, and related factors on the quality of the prawn had been investigated with orthogonal test, sense assess and microbiological analysis. Therefore, the optimum processing for preserving prawn with Nisin has been determined.
Keywords: Nisin; Poly-L-lysine; antimicrobial activity; orthogonal test