论文编号:HG076 论文字数:11665,页数:27
摘 要:本实验在碱性条件下用氯乙酸对茯苓多糖进行羧甲基化。同时对羧甲基化茯苓多糖的生物活性进行了检测,利用Feton反应产生羟基自由基,采用水杨酸显色法测定羧甲基化后茯苓多糖清除羟基自由基能力,可知多糖经过修饰后对羟基自由基的清除率效果加强。由本实验得到羧甲基化茯苓多糖的胆酸结合能力比未经化学修饰的茯苓多糖要大。此外通过对羧甲基化茯苓多糖的溶解度,取代度,分子量,粘度的测定表明羧甲基成功修饰到多糖的一个或多个羟基上,对今后茯苓多糖衍生物的研究提供了依据。
Study on the Synthesis, Characterization and Activity of Carboxymethylpachymaran
Abstract: In this study, we used chloroacetic acid to pachymaran carboxymethyl- ation under alkaline conditions. At the same time carboxymethyl polysaccharides were detected by biological activity, hydroxyl radical was producted by Feton reaction and carboxymethylation pachyman scavenging radical capacity was determined by salicylic acid color development process. It shows that the rate of hydroxyl radical scavenging effect of modified pachymaran is strengthened. By the experiments, carboxymethyl polysaccharides bile acid binding capacity increased significantly compared with unmodified ago. In addition, by measuring carboxymethyl polysaccharides solubility, degree of substitution, molecular weight and viscosity shows carboxymethyl polysaccharides successfully modified to one or more hydroxyl. These all above results provide a basis for future research.
Keywords:Carboxymethylpachymaran; Infrared spectrum; Bile acid binding; Viscosity ; DS
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1 绪论 1
1.1 茯苓的简介 1
1.2 茯苓多糖结构和功能 2
1.3 茯苓多糖的羧甲基化研究进展 2
1.4 茯苓多糖羧甲基化反应的机理 4
1.5 实验思路和设想 4
2.实验部分 5
2.1 材料试剂与设备 5
2.2 茯苓多糖的提取 6
2.3 羧甲基衍生物制备实验步骤 6
2.4 茯苓多糖及其羧甲基化衍生物的红外表征 6
2.5 羧甲基化茯苓多糖取代度的测定(灰碱法) 6
2.6 羧甲基茯苓多糖的粘度测定 7
2.7 羧甲基茯苓多糖的溶解度测定 8
2.8 羧甲基茯苓多糖分子量的测定步骤 8
2.9 羧甲基化茯苓多糖与胆酸结合度的测定 8
2.10 羧甲基茯苓多糖清除自由基活性的测定 10
3 结果与讨论 11
3.1 茯苓多糖和羧甲基茯苓多糖的红外光谱 11
3.2 羧甲基化茯苓多糖的取代度测定 12
3.3 羧甲基茯苓多糖的粘度测定 12
3.4 羧甲基茯苓多糖的溶解度测定 14
3.5 羧甲基茯苓多糖分子量的测定 14
3.6 胆酸结合能力评价 1
3.7 羧甲基茯苓多糖清除自由基能力的测定 17
4 结论与展望 19
4.1 结论 19
4.2 展望 19
致谢 21
参考文献 22