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论文编号:HG231  论文字数:17863,页数:30

 摘 要


 The titanium white is to have the good optics ,the science of electricity function ,having the stable physics ,the chemistry property ,is a national economy to develop the level and people to live an important marking .The automatic of titanium white industry in order to important quantity of the titanium , improve efficiency and working environment .Sour solve automation :the specific value (the sour mineral compare ) control of the oil and iron mine of titanium ; the control of the water in process immerse the control of take the water of hour especial ;the control of the temperature in process . The iron joins the control of the quantity when the three price irons restore .The product should white , lighting reach for  quantity level in the automatic of titanium white industry.
Keyword :Titanium white;Acid splitting;Automatic control


 目 录

第一章  前 言 1
第二章  钛白粉的性质介绍 3
1. 概述 3
1.1钛白粉的物理性质及化学性质 3
1.2 钛白粉的性质应用 4
2. 钛白粉的工业生产方法 5
3. 生产现状 5
第三章  钛白粉生产工艺流程 7
1. 硫酸法生产钛白粉主要的主要过程 7
2.钛白粉的酸解控制 7
2.1 矿酸比的控制 7
2.2 酸解率 10
2.3 温度控制 11
2.4 水控制 12
2.5 铁的控制 14
3.酸解控制的影响因素 16
4. 氯化法钛白粉的生产工艺过程 17
4.1 四氯化钛的制备与精制 17
4.2 四氯化钛的氧化 18
4.3二氧化碳的表面处理 18
5. 硫酸法与氯化法的比较 18
5.1 硫酸法仍具发展空间 18
5.2 鼓励发展氯化法钛白 19
5.3 国内大规模应用氯化法时机未到 19
5.4 总结 20
第四章  结束语 21
参考文献 24
致 谢 25
附 录 26
附录1 26
附录2 26

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