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论文编号:SW181  论文字数:8377,页数:21  附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译

摘 要: 工业上传统的提取栀子黄色素的方法是用乙醇浸提,此法提取周期长,效率低;超声提取法有产率高,节省溶剂,节省时间等优点。本文对栀子黄色素的提取工艺进行了较为系统的研究,以栀子为原料,提取栀子黄色素与栀子甙。从温度、料液比、提取时间等单因素和正交分析实验,优化栀子黄色素的最佳提取条件。通过实验确定了乙醇浸提法和超声波循环提取法制备栀子黄色素的工艺条件。乙醇浸提法的最佳工艺:50%的乙醇水溶液为提取剂;料液比1:10;提取时间3天;提取级数2级。超声波循环提取的最佳工艺为:提取时间30min,提取温度50℃,料液比1:5,提取超声功率500w。栀子有效成份含量采用液相色谱法测定,为进一步工业化提取栀子黄色素提供了理论基础。


Abstract: Industrial gardenia yellow from the traditional method of extracting ethanol is used, this method of extracting long cycle and low efficiency; Ultrasonic extraction have high yields and save solvent, time-saving advantages. This paper mainly dealt with the extraction conditions of gardenia yellow, Gardenia fruit as raw material to extract isolated from the gardenia yellow-and Gardenia Effect products. From the temperature, liquid than expected, the extraction time, and other conditions, the conditions do all single-and multi-factor factor comprehensive experiment to find out gardenia yellow pigment extracted the best conditions. Determined through experiments ethanol extraction and ultrasonic cycle from gardenia yellow pigment prepared by the technical conditions. Through experiments, the optimum extraction conditions of ethanol extraction and ultrasonic extraction were obtained. The optimum conditions of ethanol extraction were ethanol/water (5:5),gardenia fruit :solvent =1:10. extraction time 3 days, Under these conditions pigment have a higher extraction rate.  The optimum conditions of ultrasonic extraction were ethanol/water (5:5), extraction time 30 min,  extraction power 500W, gardenia fruit :solvent =1:5. Under these conditions pigment have a higher extraction rate. we detected Gardenia active ingredients  in liquid chromatography method.

 Keywords: Wujiapi Wine; Gardenia; Ultrasonic Extraction; High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic


目  录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1. 绪论 1
2. 栀子和栀子提取物的概述 3
2.1  栀子 3
2.2  栀子黄色素 3
2.3  栀子甙 4
3. 材料与方法 5
 3.1  主要材料 5
 3.2  仪器与设备 5
 3.3  主要试剂 5
 3.4  实验方法 5
4. 结果与讨论 10
 4.1 栀子黄色素乙醇浸提法 10
 4.2 栀子甙超声波提取的正交实验 12
5.总结与展望 14
 5.1   总结 14
 5.2   展望 14
致谢 16
参考文献 17

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