论文编号:HG081 论文字数:13226,页数:28
摘 要:洋甘菊是古老的芳香植物之一,因具有抗炎、解痉、消毒作用而被广泛应用。本论文以新疆产洋甘菊为原料,通过超临界二氧化碳萃取获得浸膏,再采用分子蒸馏对洋甘菊浸膏进行分离获得精油。考察了进料温度、蒸发温度和刮膜转速等因素对洋甘菊精油分离效果的影响。通过试验 ,初步得到工艺参数为:进料温度为90℃,蒸发温度为150℃,操作压力1~3Pa,刮膜器转300r /min,分离过程总收率大于23%,并通过气相色谱进行分析并和标准品对照。
The Research on Extraction of Chamomile Essential Oil by Molecular Distillation
Abstract: As its anti-inflammatory,antispasmodic,disinfectant and choleretic effect, chamomile has been widely used. In the research, the materials of chamomile was planted inxinjiang,Obtained extract by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction, then Purificati on of Chamomile oil bymolecular distillati on was studied experi mentally . The effects of operating parameters such as feeding rate, feeding temperature, the s peed of thinfil mevaporat or and evaporation temperature on separati on efficiency of Chamomile oil had been discussed in this article. Suitable operatingparameters obtained from the experi mentwere: feeding temperature is 90℃distillati on temperature is 150℃, therate of thinfil mevaporat or is 300 r /min and operating pressure is 3Pa . Through the menti onedmethod, the total recovery ofmore than 23%,and analyzed by gas chromatography and comparie with standard,
Keywords:Chamomile; Chamomile essential oil; Extraction; molecular distillation; extraction; separation
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目 录 III
1 概述 1
1.1 植物精油研究概述 1
1.2 植物精油的提取方法 2
1.3 洋甘菊的研究概况 5
1.4 研究内容概述 8
2 实验部分 9
2.1 实验材料与试剂 9
2.2 实验方法 9
2.3 结果与讨论 12
2.4 洋甘菊精油的气相色谱分析 13
3 结果与讨论 17
3.1 分子蒸馏工艺条件单因素试验 17
3. 2 结论 20
4 总结与展望 21
4.1 总结 21
4.2 展望 21
参考文献 23