论文编号:SW064 论文字数:15476,页数:30
The Study on Extraction Chitin from Fly Pupa Shell
Abstract:The method of extracting chitin and preparation chitosan from fly pupa shell was studied. The extracting steps were including breaking, screening and collecting fly pupa shell, and then washing, detaching calcium, detaching protein, decolorizing, detaching acetyl and drying. At the end, the product of chitin and chitosan was got. The optimum detaching calcium condition was: the ratio of fly pupa shell and hydrochlotic acid (5%) being 1g: 10ml, immersed and stirring 4 h under normal temperature. At the same time, the optimum detaching protein was: first, the material was reacted with 2%NaOH for 4 h under normal temperature, after filtered, reacted with 10%NaOH under hot water bath. The best reagent used to decolorize was H2O2. At last, it was reacted with 40% NaOH for 4 h under 120 degree Celsius with stirring and a white chitosan with higher acetyl-detaching degree could be got.
Keywords:Fly pupa;Chitin;Chitosan;Derosination;Decolorize
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1. 绪论 1
1.1 几丁质的来源 1
1.2 几丁质及壳聚糖的制取 2
1.3 几丁质的应用前景 4
1.4 壳聚糖的应用前景 6
1.5 蝇蛹壳中几丁质提取的优势 8
1.6 本章小结 9
2. 实验部分 10
2.1 主要实验试剂与仪器 10
2.2 主要实验步骤 11
2.3 产品特性的检测 12
2.4 本章小结 14
3. 结果与讨论 15
3.1 不同反应条件对脱钙的影响 15
3.2 不同反应条件对蝇蛹脱脂的影响 17
3.3 不同方法对脱色素的效果 19
3.4 不同反应条件对脱乙酰效果的影响 20
3.5 几丁质的红外光谱图 22
3.6 本章小结 22
总结与展望 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25