论文编号:HG083 论文字数:10886,页数:28
Study on the Absorption Processing Technology of Ethyl Acetate
Abstract: Now days people increasingly pay attention to environmental protection, so using high-grade solvents in paint and ink production is the general trend. As the country’s economic sustained growth, construction、automobile and other industries rapidly development, it will drive more and more demand on ethyl acetate which was considered a high-grade solvent. This article explore an economical and effective method to recycle ethyl acetate by experiments, thus decrease industrial production costs and reduce environmental pollution when ethyl acetate solvent used in industry and reduce the waste of resources. Design a technical improvement to overcome the shortcomings of traditional absorption, develop a new type of cleaning technology of recycling ethyl acetate exhaust and design process. Experimental determination of the efficiency of absorption is 90%, Henry coefficient is 1.59, so calculate and design the high of tower is 8.6 meters.
Keywords:ethyl acetate; absorption; process design
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1. 绪论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 乙酸乙酯的国内外研究现状 2
1.3 乙酸乙酯控制高新技术 6
2. 实验部分 8
2.1 引言 8
2.2 仪器与试剂 8
2.3 实验装置图 8
2.4验证吸收剂对乙酸乙酯的吸收效果 9
2.5测定乙酸乙酯在吸收剂中的亨利系数 9
3. 结果与讨论 11
3.1验证吸收剂对乙酸乙酯的吸收效果数据 11
3.2测定乙酸乙酯在吸收剂中的亨利系数结果 11
3.3 典型工艺流程概述 12
3.4 设计计算 13
4. 总结与展望 18
致谢 21
参考文献 22
验证吸收剂对乙酸乙酯的吸收效果附图1—5 23