论文编号:JX373 包括开题报告,文献综述,任务书,外文翻译,设计图纸,论文字数:16017.页数:49
关键字:数控机床, 位置精度,检测, 双频激光干涉仪, 补偿
Measurement and Compensation of The Positioning Accuracy of The CNC Machine Tool
With the development of numerical control technology and equipment in CHINA, CNC machine tool as a high accurate, high efficient, high stable automatic machining equipment, it has been a absolutely necessarily modern equipment in mechanism industry. The positioning accuracy of the CNC machine tool is an important aspect which affects its high accurate, so it is necessary to measure and compensate the positioning accuracy of the CNC machine tool. In the text, the development status of the CNC machine tool in CHINA, the definition of the positioning accuracy of the CNC machine tool, the composing of the error and its measuring items are introduced. And emphases on the research of the ML10 Laser Interferometer measurement method and a few primary compensations. Certified the conclusions with the data captured in the school laboratory tested one CNC machine tools.
KEY WORDS:CNC Machine Tools, Positioning Accuracy, Measurements of Positioning Accuracy, ML10 Laser Interferometer, Compensation
第1章 绪论……………………………………………………………………1
1.1 数控机床在机械制造业中的位置…………………………………1
1.2 我国数控技术发展概况……………………………………………1
1.3 数控机床位置精度的检测及补偿的重要性………………………3
1.4 本课题主要研究内容………………………………………………3
第2章 数控机床的位置精度…………………………………………………4
2.1 数控机床位置精度的基本概念……………………………………4
2.1.1 定位误差的统计检验方法………………………………4
2.1.2 定位精度的确定…………………………………………6
2.1.3 实际检测中定位精度的计算……………………………7
2.2 机床位置精度的主要检测项目……………………………………7
第3章 数控机床位置精度的检测及标准……………………………………12
3.1 数控机床位置精度的检测方法……………………………………12
3.1.1 成组块规法………………………………………………12
3.1.2 线纹尺-显微镜法………………………………………12
3.1.3 双频激光干涉仪检测法…………………………………14
3.2 线性测量中存在的检测误差………………………………………26
3.2.1 死程误差…………………………………………………26
3.2.2 余弦误差…………………………………………………27
3.2.3 阿贝误差…………………………………………………29
3.2.4 材料死程误差……………………………………………31
3.3 数控机床位置精度检测的标准……………………………………31
3.3.1 国际标准 ISO230-2 ……………………………………31
3.3.2 国家标准 GB10931-89 …………………………………32
第4章 数控机床位置精度的补偿……………………………………………34
4.1 概述…………………………………………………………………34
4.2 电气补偿法…………………………………………………………34
4.2.1 反向间隙误差补偿………………………………………34
4.2.2 螺距累积误差补偿………………………………………35
4.3 软件补偿法…………………………………………………………36
4.3.1 反向间隙误差补偿………………………………………37
4.3.2 由螺距累积误差等引起的常值系统性定位误差的补偿
4.3.3 由热变形等引起的变值系统性误差的补偿……………38
第5章 立式加工中心MCV-510检测 ………………………………………40
5.1 检测条件……………………………………………………………40
5.1.1 检测环境…………………………………………………40
5.1.2 检测用的机床……………………………………………40
5.2 检测实例……………………………………………………………40
参考文献 ………………………………………………………………… 48
致谢 ……………………………………………………………………… 51