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论文编号:JX374  包括开题报告,文献综述,任务书,外文翻译,设计图纸,论文字数:17088.页数:55



Measurements and Standards of The Positioning Accuracy of The CNC Machine Tools
With the popularization of the CNC machine tools in CHINA, to find out the real performances of them, it is necessary to perform some measurements of positioning accuracy and make correct evaluations to the relating data. In the text, the popularization of the CNC machine tools in CHINA is introduced. Also introduced are the definition and importance of the positioning accuracy, with the positioning accuracy error and common measuring items included. Followed are the common measuring methods and the relating standards of the CNC machine tools described in details. After that, compare the differences between the four different standards thoroughly, using forms, graphs and words. Drew conclusions based on the forms, graphs and words mentioned above. Certified the conclusions with the data captured in the school laboratory tested one CNC machine tools. Through the study of the subject, the differences between the standards of positioning accuracy of the CNC machine tools are reported and made a answer to the problems concerning the debates aroused by the differences of the standards.
KEY WORDS:CNC Machine Tools, Positioning Accuracy, Measurements of Positioning Accuracy, Interferometer, Standard


第1章 绪  论 1
1.1 数控机床的重要性 1
1.2 数控机床发展概况 1
1.3 学习数控机床位置精度检测及评定标准差异的重要性 2
1.4 本文的主要内容 3
第2章  位置精度 4
2.1 数控机床位置精度的概念 4
2.2 定位误差的特征分量 4
2.2.1 系统误差 4
2.2.2分散性(即随机误差) 5
2.2.3 反向定位的失动量 5
2.2.4 最小可能移动量 6
2.3  机床位置精度的主要检测项目 6
第3章  数控机床位置精度的检测 11
3.1 标准长度刻度尺和光学读数显微镜检测法 11
3.1.1测量原理 11
3.1.2 测量方法 11
3.1.3目标位置及循环方式的选择 12
3.1.4 误差分析 12
3.2 双频激光干涉仪检测法 14
3.2.1 双频激光干涉仪的工作原理 14
3.2.2 雷尼绍激光校准系统 15
3.2.3 测量误差分析 21
3.3 对比和分析 22
第4章  数控机床位置精度检测的标准 23
4.1国际标准 ISO 230-2 23
4.1.1 术语和代号 23
4.1.2 目标位置的选取 26
4.1.3 结果评价 26
4.2 中国标准 GB 10931-89 27
4.2.1 术语和代号 27
4.2.2 位置精度的评定项目 29
4.2.3 目标位置的选择 30
4.3  德国标准VDI Q 3441 30
4.4  日本标准 JIS B 6336 33
第5章  数控机床位置精度评定标准的分析和比较 34
5.1 数据处理方法的比较 34
5.2 标准的对比分析 37
鉴于各个标准之间差异性比较大,下面通过列表进行对比。 37
5.2.1 标准的列表对比 37
见表 5-1 标准比较 37
5.2.2 标准的图象比较 39
5.3 立式加工中心MCV-510检测实例 42
第6章 结论和展望 54
参考文献 56
致谢 58

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