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论文编号:DZ027        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:15197,页数:20

摘   要


【关键词】电子商务 小家电 B2C  SWOT



With the further development of the E-commerce in the global market, E-retailing of B2C model, as a new channel for shopping, is expanding with quick rate, because of its own predominance such as low cost. And with the improvement of living standards, the small appliance is gaining ground continuously. Therefore, the competition among the small appliance profession is more and more competitive. How to change the actuality of high cost of management and communication in tradition mode, in the hope of surviving and developing in drastic competition, is a problem to be solved immediately.
This thesis chiefly analyzes the applicability and feasibility of B2C electronic commerce in small appliance trade, in attempt to put forward the orientation of development strategy. It firstly analyzes the present condition of using the mode of B2C in small appliance trade home and abroad, then simply introduces some concepts of small appliance and B2C. After that, it analyzes the feasibility of the B2C mode in small appliance profession. On the foundation of above, it focuses on discussing each kind of influence factor in small appliance trade, and puts forward some opinions on the development strategy of the small appliance trade proceeding B2C electronic commerce such as establishing its own brand, decreasing cost, designing professional website for customers’ benefits and so on .

【Key words】Electronic commerce; Small appliance; B2C;  SWOT


目  录

1 引言 ...........................................................2
1.1 研究背景和意义 ...............................................2
1.2 小家电B2C国内外发展状况 ......................................2
1.2.1 小家电B2C国外发展状况 ......................................2

1.2.2 小家电B2C国内发展现状 ......................................3
1.3 本文研究路径 .................................................3
1.4 本文创新与不足 ...............................................3
2 小家电和B2C概述 ................................................3
2.1 小家电的类别 .................................................3
2.2 B2C电子商务具体实现模式...................................... 4
2.3 B2C模式是小家电发展的必然趋势 ................................5
3 小家电B2C电商模式的可行性分析.................................. 6
3.1 B2C电子商务企业相对于传统企业的优势 ..........................6
3.2 小家电的发展前景 .............................................7
3.2.1 小家电在中国依然是奢侈品,而非必需品 .......................7
3.2.2 小家电将会蓬勃发展 .........................................7
3.3 小家电的B2C模式适用性分析 ....................................9
4 小家电运用B2C电子商务模式的SWOT分析 ............................9
4.1 小家电电子商务企业具有的优势 .................................9
4.2 目前电子商务企业的劣势 .......................................10
4.3 小家电电子商务企业的外部机遇 .................................11
4.4 小家电电子商务企业的外部挑战 .................................12
5 小家电B2C电子商务企业发展策略定位 ..............................14
5.1 创立品牌 .....................................................14
5.2 低价策略 .....................................................14
5.3 满足客户个性化要求........................................... 15
5.4 以服务树立品牌并建立商家信誉 .................................15
5.5 立足本地,辐射全国 ...........................................16
5.6 以客户利益出发的专业网站设计战略 .............................16
6 总结与展望 .....................................................18
参考文献......................................................... 19
致谢 .............................................................20

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