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论文编号:DZ053 论文字数:10910,页数:16

摘    要


【关键字】EDI  信息化   上海航运中心



  With the development of the economy and network technology, EDI permeates into every aspect of society with an unprecedented speed, and is making an important effect in international trade transportation, simultaneously; the construction of port’s informationization is playing a more and more significant role in the development of modern logistics. This paper not only covers EDI’s evolution in the international shipping center of shanghai, but also analyzes EDI’s applied advantages and process of development by a theoretical way. It can be seen that the related ports and corporations must constitute value-added service based on EDI to provide more valuable information to users for EDI’s survival and development, which can not only depend on simple data transmission. As to the development of the current Chinese shipping center’s information, I offer some shortages and suggestions in order to help the corporations to exalt their level of management, and then to promote the development of Shanghai international shipping industry.

【Key Words】 EDI ; Informationization; the International Shipping Center of Shanghai


 目  录

1   引言 ..............................................2
1.1 选题的背景和意义 ..................................2
1.2 国内外研究现况 ....................................2
1.3 本文的研究路径 ....................................3
1.4 本文的创新和不足 ..................................3
2   EDI相关问题研究................................... 4
2.1 EDI的含义 .........................................4
2.2 EDI的行业标准 .....................................4
2.3 EDI技术的运用领域................................. 5
3   EDI在上海国际航运中的应用现状分析 .................5
3.1 EDI在上海国际航运中的发展历程 .....................5
3.2 EDI在上海国际航运中的优势分析 .....................7
3.3 EDI系统在上海国际航运中的应用分析................. 9
4   EDI在上海国际航运中的应用存在的问题 ...............10
4.1 电子单证法律问题 ..................................10
4.2 商业诚信、网络安全问题 ............................11
4.3 我国航运数据标准问题 ..............................11
4.4 港口现代化物流建设问题 ............................11
5   EDI在上海国际航运中推广的对策分析................. 11
5.1 政府财政、法律调控 ................................11
5.2 统一行业标准 ......................................12
5.3 网络安全联盟 ......................................12
5.4 港口信息建设 ......................................12
5.5 企业网络营销 ......................................13
6   结语 ..............................................13
参考文献 ..............................................15
致  谢 ................................................16

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