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论文编号:GM231      包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:9946,页数:14

摘   要


【关键词】 外商直接投资(FDI) 技术外溢  东部民营企业 技术创新



International direct investment (FDI) is one of the important ways to promote economic development in today''s world. Along with China''s economic developing, foreign direct investment come into China continuously. In 1960s, with the FDI the research deeply, technology spillover effect of FDI was first proposed. Technology spillover effects have also become a hot topic to many experts.
In China, since the reform and opening, private enterprises in China have become a pillar of economic development. The eastern part of the development of private enterprises in China is most rapid and is the most large-scale development. By the end of 2001, in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, number of scale private enterprises were among the nation''s top four. And Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong are all in the eastern part of China. How to make technology spillover better services for the eastern private enterprises is an important task at this stage.
This thesis discusses the core concepts of spillover effect, the main elaborate of technology spillover effect. Then it discusses the FDI spillover effect on the eastern private enterprises. The final chapter is based on the third discussion on the eastern private enterprises improve technological innovation through technology spillover of FDI to make a few suggestions.

【Key Words】Foreign Direct Investment (FDI); Technical spillover; private enterprises; Technology Innovation

目  录

1  前言 .................................................................2
1.1 选题的意义 ..........................................................2
1.2 FDI技术外溢效应的界定 ...............................................3
1.3 相关研究综述 ........................................................3
2   FDI技术外溢的主要效应 ...............................................4
2.1 产业联动效应 ........................................................5
2.2 技术模仿与示范效应 ..................................................5
2.3 学习效应 ............................................................6
2.4 竞争效应 ............................................................6
2.5 人力资源效应........................................................ 6
3   FDI技术外溢效应对东部民营企业技术创新的影响 .........................7
3.1 FDI技术外溢效应促进东部民营企业的技术创新的情况 .....................7
3.2 FDI技术外溢效应阻碍东部民营企业的技术创新的情况 .....................8
4   FDI背景下东部民营企业提高技术创新的几点建议 .........................10
4.1 利用产业关联配套和竞争机制促进外资企业不断地转移技术 ................10
4.2 重视新技术的学习促进东部民营企业技术创新 ............................10
4.3 完善人才引进和培养制度促进创新型人才的回流 ..........................11
4.4 走研发与技术外溢利用相结合之路促进东部民营企业技术创新 ..............12
5   结论 ................................................................12
参考文献 ................................................................13
致   谢 .................................................................14

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