论文编号:GM046 论文字数:11084,页数:15
摘 要
【关键词】江西 社会责任管理体系(SA8000) 劳动密集型产业 出口贸易
Social Accountability 8000 is a set of standard system, which is formulated according to International Labor Organization and World Human Rights Declaration and United Nations Children Rights and Interests Convention, which can be used for independent verification and authentication by the third authentication organization. It is a new trade barrier after Green Trade Barrier. The paper initially introduces the content and characteristics of SA8000. Through analyzing it we got the conclusion that the difference between SA8000 and present situation of social accountability in Jiangxi still exists. Then the paper elaborate the bad influence of SA8000 to enterprise in Jiangxi. SA8000 weakens traditional competition superiority of the enterprise and results in export more difficultly. At the last part the paper gives some feasible suggestions to the government and enterprises in Jiangxi respectively. Enterprises must change the understanding of SA8000, and take right attitude toward SA8000, then improve the technology and quality of production. From the government aspect, government should propagate SA8000 more frequently, and strengthens management to enterprise, lastly makes concerned laws to adapt to SA8000.
【key words】Jiangxi; Social Accountability 8000; Labor-intensity Industry; Export trade
目 录
1 导论 ..........................................................2
1.1选题的意义和研究的目的 .......................................2
1.2相关的研究和文件综述 .........................................3
1.3论文的主要内容和基本思路 .....................................3
2 SA8000的内涵及实施情况 ........................................4
2.1 SA8000的内涵 ................................................4
2.2目前SA8000 在中国推行情况及对我国的影响 ......................5
3 SA8000 认证对江西劳动密集型产品出口的不利影响 .................6
3.1江西劳动密集型产业社会责任的实施与SA8000的差距............... 6
3.2 SA8000对江西劳动密集型产业出口的不利影响 ....................7
4 江西省应对SA8000的策略 ........................................10
4.1企业层面的应对策略 ...........................................10
4.2政府层面的应对策略 ...........................................12
结束语 ..........................................................13
参考文献 ........................................................14
致 谢 .........................................................15