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论文编号:GM503  论文字数:12070.页数:17

摘 要

关键词: 唐朝  国际贸易  影响  经济  发展

 An-Shih Rebellion in the Tang dynasty is a local separatism of the rebel forces in the centralization of power, it is not only have great effect on politics, it is the starting point of the entire history of economic and trade pattern changes of Tang . The political events of the Tang dynasty''s foreign trade, both have a certain negative impact on the role.
  From a direct consequence of it, it destroyed the northern economy and gave severely hit to the acient economy. It weakens the government''s credit so it is difficult to recover from the  war; it reduce the population so that it have problems on developing the trade. But from its potential impact, it encourages the formation of two tax laws, relaxed the restrictions on international trade and changed the pattern of trade atresia. It adjusted the structure of trade, turn the  land trade to the way of sea trade, science and technology to the development of trade zone Into a broader space for development. It is said that An-Shih Rebellion has had a profound impact to the Tang Dynasty and on the future of international trade .
  This article analyze the impact of the Tang dynasty trade from the above two aspects to the An-Shih Rebellion, and  research these effects to  the modern economic development .
KEYWORDS:Tang dynasty   international  trade  affect  economic development

第一章引言………………………………………………………….… 1
第二章 安史之乱对国际贸易产生的不利影响………………….……2
第三章 安史之乱对国际贸易产生的有利影响………………..…......7
第四章 总结……………………………………………...…….............11
参考文献………………………………….………………………....… 12

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