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论文编号:GM665  论文字数:16871.页数:26

摘  要


 Since 1990s, industrial cluster has become an important topic in the theoretical circle and production practice. China''s industrial clusters appeared first in Guangdong and Zhejiang at the beginning of reform and opening time.Under the drive of the township enterprises, foreign investment and other non-public economy, there formed a large number of various types of industrial clusters in these areas, and quickly became the important force of the region''s economic development.
  As a typical case of China''s industrial clusters ,the 1980''s  “Qiaotou button market”experienced from gloom to doom.The article will do an empirical study about the development of cluster of“Qiaotou button market”,and analysis the process. By studying the market’s formation, development, decline, we will explore the formation of industrial clusters path and the mechanism of cluster evolution, thus to verify the theory of industrial clusters.The author hope to give the industry some guidelines in some degree, and provide some useful lessons in the development of industrial clusters in China .
 This structure of this article is divided into five chapters.In addition to the first introductory chapter and the fifth concluding chapter, the main section contains three chapters, namely the cluster literature review of chapter two, chapter three --cluster formation, the mechanism of development and decline analysis, chapter four--case study.
 Through the research, it can be  founded that the formation of the Qiaotou button market has sevseal factors.Among them,economies of scale, externalities, entrepreneurship, the role of government and rooted cultural play significant roles. After the formation ,the characteristics  and the forms of different stages are not the same. In addition, the main factors to facilitate to the next phase of stage are different. These results demonstrate the path of the formation of industrial clusters and industrial clusters evolution mechanism;support many scholars’ theory  elaborated on this theory and prove the Qiaotou button market evolution and the evolution of industrial clusters mechanism coincident basically.
KEYWORDS:industrial cluster,evolution,Qiaotou button market.

第一章 导论 1
第一节 选题意义 1
第二节 研究方法及思路、框架 2
一、研究方法 2
二、研究思路及框架 2
第二章 文献综述 4
第一节 产业集群理论的诞生与发展 4
一、产业集群理论的思想基础 4
二、产业集群理论的初步形成 5
第二节 国内产业集群理论研究基本进展 6
第三节 小结 7
第三章 产业集群的形成、发展及衰落的机理分析 8
第一节 产业集群形成路径分析 8
第二节 产业集群的发展演化机理分析 10
一、产业集群的阶段划分 10
二、各个阶段的特征及促成因素 10
第三节 小结 12
第四章 产业集群演化机理的案例分析 13
第一节 案例背景 13
一、形成期 13
二、成长期 13
三、成熟期 14
四、衰落期 15
第二节 案例分析 17
一、形成期分析 17
二、成长期分析 18
三、成熟期分析 18
四、衰落期分析 19
第三节 小结 20
第五章 结论 21
参考文献 21
致谢 23

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