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论文编号:GM353  论文字数:13774.页数:25

摘  要



     Since the adoption of reform and opening policies, China’s clusters of economic rapidly grows, which is the major partment of regional economic. As we know, there must be one or two Industrial Clusters in economically developed place .Until now, many Industrial Clusters has been developed in China , but most of them belong to traditional industrys. How to reform and upgrade those Industrial Clusters is an awkward question to maintain a sustained growth of the regional economic. Ruian footwear cluster is a symble of China’s traditional Industrial Clusters. After several decades of developments, Ruian has built up a good business in shoes industry. Nowadays, the economic of China and world is worse off, in such a condition , we must try our best to enhance the competitiveness. Based on the key competitive point of Ruian’s footwear cluster, to analyse both the advantages and disadvantages of such a cluster and give some suggestions of how to upgrade it.

KEYWORDS:Industrial Cluster; Competitiveness; Ryan footwear cluster;The path of ascension

目  录

第一章   引 言 1
第二章    产业集群竞争力的内涵界定 2
第一节  马歇尔(Marshall)的产业区理论 2
第二节  克鲁格曼(Krugman)的经济地理学理论 2
第三节  波特(Porter)的钻石理论模型 3
第三章    产业集群存在的问题及影响产业集群竞争力的因子 5
第一节   目前产业集群存在的问题 5
一、  企业规模偏小问题 5
二、  集群技术创新能力缺失 5
三、  分工和专业化程度低 6
第二节   产业集群影响竞争力的因子 6
一、  地理区位 8
二、  资源禀赋 8
三、  企业素质 9
四、  体制环境 9
五、  外部市场 9
六、  宏观经济状况 10
第四章    提升瑞安鞋业产业集群竞争力的路径 11
第一节   瑞安鞋业目前产业集群的情况 11
第二节   影响瑞安鞋业竞争力因素分析 12
第三节   瑞安鞋业集群竞争力的若干提升路径 15
一、   政府层面上的建议 16
二、   企业层面上的建议 17
第五章   结束语 18
致  谢

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