论文编号:GM842 论文字数:20366,附开题报告,文献综述
摘 要
After China entering WTO, the surplus between China and the United States has been increasing year on year. As China and the United States are two most active economy entity in developing countries and advanced countries, the surplus between China and the United States has little impact on United States economy or maybe in favor of United States to some extent. However, the American government is very likely to make some major change to its current trading policy and thus will possibly cause conflicts to international trading. Therefore, we must take it serious. We suggest China had better focus on politics rather than use political tools to address economic issues and vice versa. This will only make things more complicated and harder to solve. Last but not least, we do hope that every solution to move forward better trading relationship between China and the United States works well and efficiently.
Keywords: Surplus, Market competition, Political factor, Balanced development
目 录
1 中美贸易顺差的现状1
2 中美贸易顺差的构成3
2.1 中美贸易的历史3
2.1.1 近代中美贸易的状况:3
2.1.2 现在中美贸易的状况5
2.2 对中美贸易关系的沉思与反省5
3 政治背景形成顺差的种类9
3.1 贸易种类的分析9
3.1.1 中美贸易顺差总体呈现缩小趋势9
3.1.2 美国继续保持我国第二大贸易伙伴地位9
3.1.3 加工贸易项下顺差的影响10
3.1.4 外商投资企业为我国对美国贸易主体,私营企业增长较快11
3.1.5 对美出口主要产品12
3.1.6 高新技术产品进口继续增长,我国进口大豆主要来自美国12
4 发展中美政治与贸易的关系13
4.1 发展中美关系的障碍13
4.2 加强交流与合作16
4.2.1 加强对美国的认识16
4.2.2 关于当前中美关系的认识17
4.3 中美建立战略合作伙伴的可能性19
4.4 中美贸易前景的展望21
4.4.1 如何拓展中美贸易关系的未来21
4.4.2 如何深化中美贸易关系的发展23
5 结束语26