论文编号:GM642 论文字数:25308.页数:25
摘 要
Intellectual property protection is significant for developing the new-technology industries. In order to realize the leaping development through the technical innovation, it is necessary for our country to build a good environment for industrial development, including establishing a mature and effective intellectual property protection system, updating intellectual property protection’s way and method, enhancing intellectual property protection, perfecting the state and the local intellectual property protection systems, promoting state economy fast development, and so on.
As the introduction, this paper first elucidates the background and significance of the theme, generalizes the research actuality home and abroad, puts forward the research thoughts, methods, and structure framework, and suggests the innovations of this paper. Second, this paper analyses the basic situation and the existing problems of intellectual property protection in the high-tech industry, and indicates the reasons. Thirdly, this paper makes a comparison between the intellectual property protection in the high-tech industry from home and abroad. The last part is policy suggestion and generalization. Based on the dynamic mechanisms and efficiency of urban land intensive use, this paper brings some policy suggestion, generalizes the core viewpoints of this paper, and presents the deficiencies in it and points out the further research direction.
KEYWORDS:high and new technological industry ,technical innovation, intellectual property
目 录
第一章 引言 1
第一节 选题意义与背景 1
第二节 研究方法和基本框架 3
第三节 需要解决的主要问题 4
第二章 我国高新技术产业知识产权保护现状和问题 5
第一节 基本现状 5
第二节 存在的主要问题 8
第三节 主要原因 10
第三章 国内外高新技术企业知识产权状况对照分析 12
第一节 国外高新技术产业知识产权制度的形成与发展 12
第二节 我国高新技术产业知识产权制度的形成与发展 14
第三节 国内外高新技术企业知识产权状况对比 18
第四章 高新技术企业创新的知识产权保护的对策分析 21
一、强化知识产权保护意识 21
二、重视对高新技术知识产权战略的应用 21
三、要使高新技术企业成为保护知识产权的主体 22
四、要加强对高新技术产业企业知识产权的有效管理 23
五、加强高新技术产业企业知识产权保护的执法 23
六、加强基础设施建设,完善知识产权服务体系 24
第五章 总结 26
第一节 研究结论 26
第二节 创新和不足 27
第三节 结束语 28
参考文献 29