论文编号:GM752 论文字数:12199.页数:24
摘 要
Explorsion and Reaserch of china''s competition of international service trade
Service trade is the area which develops most rapidly in international trade nowadays. Many countries do research about it and realize the contribution of service trade. In the future. trade in service would be an important area in international competition and corporation. With the end of the interim period of entering WTO in December 2006. trade in services of China is facing with big challenge. It is very necessary and significant to try our best to develop and study trade in services of China.
This paper use porter’s diamond model to analysis the competitiveness of China’s trade in service. And search for the reason why China’s trade in service has no competitiveness using empirical research and deeply analysis. Finally this paper gives some suggestions to increase China’s competitiveness of service trade. The main conclusions are as follows:
1. China’s trade in service has no competitive advantage as a whole.
2. According to empirical research. human capital. FDI and urbanization enhance competitiveness of trade in services greatly.
3. There are some deep reasons for low competitiveness of China’s trade in service.
4. For increasing China’s competitiveness of trade in services. 9 factors suggested should be done and work as a whole.
Key words: Service trade; Diamond model; Competitive advantage
第一章 引言 1
第二章 中国国际服务贸易发展概述 2
第一节 国际服务贸易基本概念分析 2
第二节 中国国际服务贸易的发展态势 4
第三章 中国国际服务贸易竞争力的钻石模型分析 7
第一节 钻石模型概述 7
第三章 对中国国际服务贸易竞争力钻石模型要素架构探析 7
一、 生产要素 7
二、 需求条件 8
三、 相关、支持性产业 9
四、 企业战略、企业结构、同业竞争 9
五、 政府角色 10
六、 机会状况 10
第四章 当前中国国际服务贸易竞争力不强的致因分析 12
一、 服务性产业的比较优势具有知识密集型的特征 12
二、 市场经济体制不完善抑制服务业的发展 12
三、 中国服务业市场条块分割的局面难以形成良性的互动循环 12
四、 本国经济发展水平影响了向国际市场提供服务的能力 12
第五章 提升中国国际服务贸易竞争力的对策 13
第一节 微观层次 13
第二节 宏观层次 14
结论...... 16
参考文献.. 17
致 谢.