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论文编号:GM193    论文字数:8788,页数:13

摘    要


【关键词】农业  利用外资  WTO  投资环境  政策调整



In recent years, the use of overseas commerce investment has developed quickly in China. So that China has became one of the biggest amphitryons all over the world, which have been attracting direct overseas investment. Agriculture is one of the earliest industry of absorbing direct overseas commerce investment. Nevertheless, its proportion to the whole use of overseas investment in our country has been exceedingly low for a long time. Basing on the landscape orientation and portrait angles, this article analysed the actuality and characteristics of the use of overseas investment in agriculture aspect. Also it analysed the past achievements in China. Then it pointed out our main problems, furthermore, analysed the reasons for poor use of investment. Finally, it came up with some policies and advice, which were used to advance the Chinese agriculture’s use of overseas commerce investment in the future.

【Keyword】Agriculture,Use of Overseas Commerce Investment,WTO, Condition of Investment,Policy Adjustment



目  录

1    我国农业利用外资的现状与成就 ................................................2
1.1 我国农业利用外资的现状 ......................................................2
1.2 我国农业利用外资取得的成就 ..................................................4
2    中国农业利用外资存在的主要问题 ..............................................5
2.1  外资数量少且分布不平衡 ......................................................5
2.2  外资进入的项目少、项目规模偏小且缺乏合理性 ..................................6
2.3  资金筹措困难................................................................ 6
3    我国农业利用外资偏少的原因 ..................................................6
3.1 投资国方面的原因 ............................................................7
3.2  我国方面的原因 ..............................................................7
4    促进中国农业利用外资的政策建议.............................................. 8
4.1  进一步推进农业结构的战略性调整,为外商投资我国农业奠定基础 ..................8
4.2 大力改善农业投资环境 ........................................................9
4.3  明确产业导向,对外商直接投资进行合理产业引导 ................................10
4.4  拓宽引资渠道与方式 ..........................................................10
4.5  加强项目后期管护,做好示范推广工作 ..........................................11
4.6  提高资金的滚动利用效果 ......................................................11
参考文献 .........................................................................12
致  谢 ...........................................................................13

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