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论文编号:GM674  论文字数:17782.页数:29

摘  要

 在经济全球化深入发展的大背景下,跨国并购作为世界各国对外直接投资的方式之一,逐渐替代“绿地投资”而成为跨国投资的主导方式。入世以来,我国经济不断融入到世界经济当中,国内市场竞争日益激烈,利润空间不断缩小,一些企业开始走出国门,积极参与跨国并购。本文以中国企业为立足点,通过动因分析,可以看到我国企业跨国并购更注重技术、市场、品牌、资源等要素,通过全球范围内资源的充分利用,来提高自身的国际竞争力。通过宏观与微观两个方面来分析中国企业跨国并购的可行性条件。 虽然现阶段我国跨国并购势头高涨,但毕竟处于起步阶段,我国企业在进行跨国并购时也需要全盘考虑风险与困难,谋定而后动,本文从企业和政府两个方面提出企业成功实施跨国并购的必要条件。


 With  the development of economic globalization, cross boarder M & A gradually replacement of “Greenfield investment”as an important way of foreign direct investment. Since China entry into WTO, domestic marker face increasing competition and companies get less and less profit, so many companies begin to step abroad and involve in cross boarder M&A. This article is on the basis of Chinese companies.  Through motive analysis .We could find that domestic companies pay more attention to the technologies、markets、brands、resources and so on when conducting cross boarder M & A. The companies could improve international competitiveness through making the most of global resources. Moreover, the article analyzes the feasibility condition of cross boarder M & A. Though the trends of China cross boarder M & A is rising currently ,we are in the initial stage after all, so the domestic companies should consider all aspects and spell out the deal before start. And the article proposes the necessary conditions of successful implementation of cross-border M&A.
KEYWORDS: cross -border M&A , Chinese companies ,motivation of  M&A , feasibility, necessary conditions


第一章 引言 1
第二章 跨国并购的概述 3
第一节 跨国并购的概念、类型和目的 3
第二节 跨国并购的理论 4
第三章 中国企业跨国并购的特点 7
第四章 中国企业并购动因分析 9
第一节 中国企业跨国并购的宏观动因 9
第二节 中国企业跨国并购的微观动因 11
第五章 我国企业跨国并购的实现条件 15
第一节 宏观环境分析 15
第二节 微观环境分析 17
第三节 中国企业成功实施跨国并购的必要条件 18
第六章 总结 23
参考文献 24
致谢 26

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