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论文编号:GM229    包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:10603,页数:16

摘   要

    加入世界贸易组织后,我国汽车出口快速增长。据海关统计,我国的汽车出口量由 2002年的两万辆增长到了2006年的34万辆。这表明中国汽车工业的综合实力在竞争中得到了明显的加强。但是我国自主生产的汽车存在很多问题。出口的汽车低档底,主要向发展中国家和地区出口,企业并没有明确的出口战略,海外销售服务体系不完善,出口批量小未形成规模。我国的汽车产能的利用率很低,只有50%,这意味着我国生产的汽车有一半都卖不出去。我国汽车出口已到必须营销讲究战略的时候了,首先,海外营销战略可以优化汽车产业结构。其次,可以避免企业间的无序竞争。最后,可以提高我国自主汽车的国际品牌质量和声誉。本文对中国自主品牌汽车海外营销的国内国际条件作了分析,然后为自主汽车企业和政府提出了建设性建议。

【关键词】中国自主品牌 汽车 海外营销



Since China joined into the WTO, Chinese made automobile exporting has been rapidly developing, from 2002 to 2006, the amount of automobiles China exported increase from 20,000 sets to 340,000 sets. It means that the power of Chinese automobiles industry has been strengthened. However, Chinese make automobiles has some trouble. The grades of autos are low, the destinations of exporting are mainly developing countries, the strategies of exporting of Chinese companies are not clear. The follow-up service of Chinese automobiles is poor. The amount of automobiles exported is small. The Capacity utilization of Chinese autos is not fully used. It means that we have to sell the autos that we made to other countries. It is the time for auto overseas marketing. Firstly, it can avoid the disordered competition of Chinese auto companies. Secondly, it can optimize the industrial structure of automobiles. Thirdly, it will improve the quality of Chinese made auto brands and fame. The article analyzed the domestic factors and overseas factors of Chinese made autos marketing, and then gives some suggestions to the government and the companies.

【Key words】Chinese domestic auto brands; Autos; Overseas marketing


  目  录
 前   言 2
1    中国自主品牌汽车海外营销现状 .....................................................2
1.1  自主品牌汽车海外营销的限制条件................................................... 3
1.2  自主品牌汽车的出口现状........................................................... 4
2    中国汽车自主品牌海外营销的方式 ...................................................5
2.1  低价海外营销发展战略 .............................................................5
2.2  自主科技研发与创新............................................................... 6
2.3  海外建厂直接进入国际市场 .........................................................6
2.4  充分利用睦邻友好关系发展海外营销 .................................................6
3    中国自主汽车海外营销面临的主要问题 ...............................................7
3.1  自主品牌汽车海外营销发展国内障碍 .................................................7
3.2  自主品牌汽车海外营销发展的国外障碍............................................... 9
4    中国自主品牌汽车海外营销问题对策 .................................................10
4.1  政府对自主汽车品牌的海外营销扶持和引导 ...........................................10
4.2  自主品牌汽车企业发展海外营销对策 .................................................12
5    中国自主品牌汽车海外营销前景展望 .................................................13
参考文献 ..............................................................................15
致谢 ..................................................................................16

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