论文编号:DZ056 包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:9984,页数:14
摘 要
【关键词】 SA8000 跨国公司 企业社会责任
In the last several decades, the economic globalization develops quickly, the multinational company has already occupied an important position in the economy of the world. The multinational company has strong economic power,with global investment and pre-eminent production to pursue high profits in worldwide. Thus, this will produce various contradiction and conflict between the multinational company and the host country probably. The activity of the multinational company may also bring the relevant nation and international society disadvantage influence, producing thus as to the corporate social responsibility problem besides production.
Under the trend of globalization, in addition to understand clearly and integrate positively, there is also need to amend the relevant laws and establish the relevant policies to solve the problems we may face in the future. At last,through researching the corporate social responsibility of multinational company in China, this article brings forward some relevant suggestions and can give our country even social public some inspires.
[Key Words] SA8000; Multinational Company; CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
目 录
1. 东芝(中国)有限公司履行社会责任介绍 .................................2
1.1 东芝(中国)有限公司履行社会责任的表现 ...............................2
1.2 东芝(中国)有限公司履行社会责任的启示 ...............................3
2. 企业社会责任概述 .....................................................4
2.1 企业社会责任的内涵 ...................................................4
2.2 企业社会责任的评价标准 ...............................................5
3. 强化在华跨国公司社会责任的重要意义 ...................................5
3.1 有利于增强企业竞争力 .................................................5
3.2 有利于企业可持续发展 .................................................5
3.3 有利于推行现代企业制度,提高公司治理水平 .............................6
3.4 有利于贯彻科学发展观、构建和谐社会................................... 6
3.5 有利于规范企业行为,完善市场经济秩序 .................................6
4. 在华跨国公司社会责任的履行现状 .......................................7
4.1 在华跨国履行社会责任概况 .............................................7
4.2 社会责任缺失的主要形式及原因分析 .....................................8
5. 如何强化在华跨国公司的社会责任....................................... 10
5.1 加强市场监管,创造制度环境 ...........................................11
5.2 健全法律体系,加大执行力度 ...........................................11
5.3 完善制度建设,加强法律监督 ...........................................11
5.4 提高环境标准,促进协调发展 ...........................................11
参考文献 .................................................................13
致 谢 ...................................................................14